Bonus chapter.

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Author's POV:

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Author's POV:

Sameera bent to her daughter's level and picked her crying daughter up, she is waiting for Vikram to come. Today they planned to take their daughter Veera to park.

(A/N: I don't know who but someone named their ship so I made it as their daughter's name. Thanks a ton! Dm me and I will tag you here :D. I have searched the comments but couldn't find so! Thank you so much for the ship name! I loved it.)

She heard the loud horn sound. Tomorrow is his birthday and she is surprising him, six years... Passed by in a blink! And she must say they journey with him is nothing but wonderful, they fought, they cried and gave silent treatment to each other but in the end? They are together and this is something that they cherish alot.

         Vikram entered inside and saw Veera pouting and giving him dark looks. He smiled sheepishly at his 5 years old as she looked away from him, it's raining outside and he sighed looking at his angry doll, there is another heat gaze on him from his wife.

      She came forward and took his coat and bag and went upstairs leaving Veera in his care. She kept his things on their place and went down to see veera plucking her husband's hair making her chuckle. "Hmm...  What's cooking today?" Vikram asked and Sameera said veg pulav. "Mumma, Iam sleepy!" Veera whined and Sameera chuckled at her. "but baby it's still six fifty in the evening!" Vikram said taking his daughter in his hands. "Still, I am tired dada." She said yawning. "You can sleep after eating food. In the mean time why don't you get freshen up?" She asked Vikram and he nodded at her.

      After getting freshen up he came down. He saw his daughter and wife playing in the couch cradling, when Arunima died, it felt the word happiness won't meet him anymore! But now, looking at Sameera and Veera his thoughts towards life has changed... And his perspective to live also changed... He smiled looking at his world... And two most important women of his life...


On the other side,
  Its seven in the evening. It's raining outside. She is sitting in the cafe. Alone in her seat thinking about her life. She looked outside the window from where she can see people are running here and there because of the huge rain.

Rain.. something special to her... She first met him.. when it was raining... Him, his actions his love... Everything about him makes her feel happy, content and promise her life to him..

        A smile graced her lips when she thought about kids, Diya.. her first baby! Who is now 7 and half years.. and Kabir, her 6 year old son and Ariya her 3 year old daughter... it's been 6 years now...

Her chain of thoughts are broken by her phonecall and Priya looked at the ID. Abhay. Her lips curved into a beautiful smile.

           She lifted the call. "Where are you jaan?" He asked and she grinned at that. "In the coffee shop near the new built shopping mall." She replied.

          "Fine I am going that way I will come and pick you up." With that he cut the call. Her mother is in the home with the kids. That's a relief. She came out to buy gifts for Vikram, it's his birthday tomorrow and Sameera is arranging a party tomorrow..

      She paid the bill and waited there for sometime... The rain is reaching them since it is falling in the opposite direction. So Priya thought to wait at the opposite bus stop area which is on opposite side.

       She tightened her grip at her handbag and cover which have gifts, thankfully they are packed with polythene coveres .

She started crossing the road suddenly a car stopped infront of her. Her white drenching as a man in white shirt and black pants came out from the car... She smiled looking at him this time..

       The smile not leaving her lips. "Want a lift miss?" He asked reciprocating her expressions. "I don't trust strangers." Priya said and Abhay laughed. He grabbed her hands and lifted her in his arms and placed her in the passenger seat. He sat in the driver seat and drove through the roads of Delhi. " As much as I want to drench with you in the rain. I don't want anyone to see what color bra you are wearing today." Abhay said and Priya found herself completely drenched and her bra strap is now visible. She shook her head "Jealous dear Stalker?" She asked smirking at him.

            "Aroused dear." He said and Priya laughed looking at him. "I love you..." She said and out of blue. How many times she might say this. He still can't get that and want to hear it again and again... 

           "I love you too... More than you can even imagine... " The love I have for you is not something that will melt to fire, freeze for the coldness, and disappear in air... It's something much more stronger than you can or infact anyone can imagine... My feelings for you are something impossible to explain.. and impossible for anyone to understand..." He repeated the same lines he does and she smiled at him... They together drove to their heaven...

That's it... Here it ends... Hope you all liked it.

Also I published a short story called Aarti- Just An Another Woman. Please do read and tell me how it is❤️❤️

Much Love-Anya ❤️

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