Past Part-24 Kiss.

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Priya's POV:

      My home's entire porch is now filled with roses and I saw my mother and father standing and talking there something.

           " I think you should really open a bank locked to store all these flowers Priya! That too a big one! Because storing them in dairy.. it can't happen." My mother exclaimed as she saw me.
            " Why should I mom? And please dont tell me he is the one who sent them!" I said sighing.

" Oh yeah sweety sorry to disappoint you but he came here today morning only! You were sleeping and he apologized hundred times! So you know being in love we both know what he must have gone throu-"

" Mom not you too please!-"

" Oh and in the banner you looked beautiful. He does really have a good taste in picking up things and pictures!" My mother cut me off and I looked at dad. He is having neither happy nor angry expression. Expected from you dad!

         I closed my eyes as tiredness hit me hard. My eyes are becoming glossy as the frustration is washing me over and over. I can't bare the fact that I was the one who suffered but just because he is giving me these kind of things are they expecting me to go to him?

       To my more annoyance stood there the bitch Megha who is admiring flowers. " What the fuck is she doing here?" I asked dad with a scowling face.
           " You no need to be so rude! I came here to see OMG HE IS HERE!" She exclaimed suddenly and I saw indeed he is getting down from his car accompanied by his friends.

         Within fraction of seconds I saw Megha going past through me towards him and before she can hug him or let alone touch him Amaira stood between both of them making me smile a little.

         " What my little sister? Not happy to see me?" Amaira asked in her sweetest tone and I saw jiju grinning at her and then he looked at me and winked.

      " Ugh.. good to see you didi." She said and hugged Amaira with one of her fake smile.

                She looked at my parents and then and smiled at them saying bye and then looked at me . She glared at me and asusual I showed her my middle finger.

       Amaira giggled at me while she huffed and left. I went to Amaira and kissed her cheeks. " You are the best!" I said in her ears and hugged her.

      We both went to my parents and she hugged then followed by Ajay jiju. I grinned at them. They are the perfect couple and I love both of them alot. I saw Abhay coming and touching my parents feet but they stopped him in mid way and hugged him. Though I am angry his this act made me happy a lot but we don't want to show him and boost his already fat ass ego right?

    I kept mum and asked Vikram bhai why they all are here to which he told Abhay want to take me to Delhi and is planning few surprises. I gave him a blank glance to which he chuckled. "Trust me one day I will kick his ass!" I said pouting.

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