Past part-19 Dead.

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Priya's POV:

Dim.... I have been feeling that... My body... My body is not in my control.

       I heard some shuffling behind and me followed with a kick in my stomach... "Ahh" I groaned in pain. I am not having the stamina to even open my eyes. My head is heavy and as if someone kept their entire weight on my body.

          I felt someone dragging me roughly to somewhere. Someone heavily pushed me into something. The surface is hard. I still can't get what is happening with my mind. Why I am feeling like this..

        The person started screaming something like.. " you....need... My Abha.." something like this... I couldn't get what that person is saying. I felt a sharp pain again on my cheeks and I screamed hard this time...

      I felt someone punching me hard on my left cheek and then again my head felt heavy and the darkness embraced me...

Author's POV:

     Tharun was busy in kissing a girl when his door burst open revealing her.

           The girl got up from his lap as  she entered. Tharun asked her to sit. " So how is it going Tanya?" He asked as the girl named Tanya smirked.

           " I just beat her up. The drugs we have given are working awesome. My work is done. I have inserted a camera. Now all work should be done by you." She said and winked at him.

           " Ready to inflect pain?" He asked her and she nodded her head grinning like a fool. "She deserves this for taking my Abhay from me." Tanya said and Tharun just smirked.

       They entered Priya's room. Tharun reached the bed on which she is laying. He touched her lips with his finger tips.

        They are are so pink... Her cheeks... He touched cheeks. They are so fluffy and he inhaled her scent which made him go nuts... She is a sinful beauty that's begging him to devour her... Her beauty is enchanting him and the more he looks at her the more the urge to claim her is increasing.

         He roamed his hands on her waist when the door burst open and he was dragged away from her. " He is here... Abhay... He is here let's move before he kills us." Tanya said and Tharun half heartedly went away cursing Abhay for flopping his plan. They exited the place from the back side and entered his car and zoomed off.

     On the other hand Abhay reached where Priya was there with Ajay since Amaira was with Vikram taking care of Arunima.

          They reached the room and saw her laying like dead on the bed. He rushed towards her and scooped her in his arms. " Priya wake up." He kept on calling for her while walking fastly.

        They reached the hospital soon in which Arunima was admitted too and joined Priya there. He sat beside Vikram who is looking nowhere. They four of them haven't thought that their fun time would turn out like this...

      Vikram is feeling lost. It's as if he is dying. The doctor who checked Arunima came. "I am sorry to say Mr. Vikram.... She is no more." As soon as those words came.out from doctor's mouth Vikram grabbed his collar.

           " WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME? SHE IS DEAD? WHO THE FUCK GAVE YOU THE DOCTOR DEGREE." He screamed and Ajay grabbed his hand pushed him away. He apologized to the doctor and tried to know what had happened to his bes friend. Amaira slumped on the chair as tears flowed from her but Abhay is numb. He is numb to his feelings and numb for everything happening around him. He is in a daze...

         Vikram dashed inside the room in which Arunima's body is present. He collapsed near her bed and slowly took her hands in his...

          " You... You said you won't leave me... You cheater! You... You said you will come... come back soon." A tear left his eye as his voice cracked..

         The lump forming in his throat and all the heat forming in his face due to the emotions rushing through all over his body is not letting him speak his last words to his lover...
            " Oye... Get up na.." he said slapping her cheeks slights which are bruised now. " See don't play with me... You know I will get angry when you play these stupid games of yours... You only told that asshole doctor to lie right? This is a prank Nima.. I know now wake up soon baby.. I have caught you." He said laughing but he does knows that it's real... Whatever happening to him is real...

        Still he doesn't want to belive... He doesn't want to belive that she won't snuggle to him in the winters... She won't talk to him now... She won't look at him with those adorable eyes again.. she won't nag him to feed her.. she won't cry if he scolds her.. she won't laugh for his jokes... She... She won't  even live with him anymore...

         " Hey.. you said that we should build a play home to our baby right? But haven't told me which colour we should paint. And as I said it will be a girl. Come on now argue that it will be a boy... Come on Nima wake up... WAKE UP NIMA STOP PLAYING... FUCKING WAKE UP .. I KNOW ... THIS CANT BE TRUE YOU CANT LEAVE ME... YOU you... Promised me... Please... Wake up.... Please Arunima...." He sobbed his heart out crying and begging Arunima to come back.... Which was never going to happen....

Heyoo people.

Destined Souls reached 50k views today so an early update.

Won't be updating for somedays cause I am pretty stressed out with life...

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Love-Anya 💕💕

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