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Chapter 4

Author's POV:

Tring.... Tring..... the irritating alarm voice woke up Priya. She got up unwillingly and did her morning chores.

After that she took a warm shower. Spending some time in shower and calming her nerves she came out and took her attire for the day.Yesterday she completed the report and presentation that she have to submit today. She is not that anxious as she is actually very good at speech. She participated in so many debates and speeches that she lost her stage fear. Infact she gets courage when all are looking at her with concentration.

She went down and took bread, applied jam on that and poured herself a glass of orange juice. She ate her breakfast hastily. She took all the requirements for the day and left to office in her scooty before locking the doors.

she reached her office and went to her cubicle. Aaryash was very nervous and literally walking here and there like cat. She laughed seeing that. " Hey why are you laughing Priya?" Said Sameera her another colleague and her bestfriend. "Look at that Aaryash Meera. He is nervous. The great flirt of the whole office is nervous just because of a presentation." Priya said with giggles.

"Arey yaar! Here I am getting tensed that how we will present and you both are making fun of my situation? And common Priya we know you are the best and is very confident but you have to spare your time for us and teach us how to be confident so that we can become like you." Aaryash said.

"Haa so that you can flirt with her in the mean time she teaches you ? Listen Yash I pity you okay. After all these years you still think you will get her.?" Sameera said. "Hmmm its her loss Sam. She is losing a handsome hunk like me. By the way will you come with me for a coffee.?" He asked in flirtatious way.

Suddenly Sameera looked like a tomato and bent her head. All this is watched by Priya with amusement dancing in her eyes. She smiled and left both of them. She is going to her other team members. She is instructing them about all the presentation and saying that they should be able to answer when the questions are asked.

During all this period someone is noticing her every single move. The way her hair moves because of air. The way she wet her lips while talking. The way she animatedly moves her hands while explaining. Someone is observing this. In cameras of CEO office.

Suddenly peon came and announced that boss is calling Priya. She went to her boss and knocked the door. A faint come in came from the other side. She went in and saw her boss Mr. Ramachandra along with his son Raghu. Her boss's son is literally a pervert. He always find reasons to come to her cubicle. She doesn't like his company as he always looks at her like he will eat her.

"Hmm so Ms. Priya I hope everything is ready for the presentation?" Her boss asked. "What are you saying dad? She is Priya.. ofcourse everything will be perfect. Just like her." Raghu said the last words in low voice with so much lust in his eyes.

"Raghu! I am asking Priya so dont interfere. So is everything ok Ms. Priya?" Again Ramachandra asked. "Yes sir everything is alright." Priya said confidently. "They will come around at 10 'O' clock. Be ready and yeah we all will rock it." He said and dismissed her.

Priya's POV:

That Raghu I will kill him. That bastard always trues to come in my way. I am holding my patience. One more time he involves in my issues I will make sure he wont be having any family jwelles.

Later after sometime we all were called to the meeting room for the meeting. The meeting went very well. They all are impressed with our presentation and are really glad to do the project with us. My boss got very excited along with our client. So they planned a party the next day evening. After the party we will officially start the project.

Everyone are very happy and are eagerly looking forward for the party. I literally have no outfit to wear for the party. I called my mom and asked when she is coming. She said they are on their way to home. I told her about our party and everything. She suggested me to go for shopping.

In lunch we all ate with happy faces. After that we sincerely concentrated on our work. At sharp 6 we all left.
Along with me Sameera is also there. She was sent by mother. My mother knew that I will never spend more time to look for more and beautiful saree or do any extra shopping. So she personally called Meera and asked her to accompany me.

Meera is just another level in shopping. Maybe if there is any chance then she will sleeping in the mall itself. Soon we reached the mall.
It's a big 5 storeyd mall with all collection from months babies to old people's clothes.

We both went to sarees section and started looking for saree. When it comes to dresses I will never compromise and will become very picky. At the same time I want the shopping to done in less time. Typical. I know.

Sameera selected a burgundy red wine colour saree. She is so happy with it. And she selected black saree for me. It's looking good. We took matching blouses too. Her blouse was same as her saree and mine too. But I think I wont be comfortable in this saree I think. When I said this to Smaeera she gave me death glare and threatened me by saying she will call ma.

Without having any other choice I agreed .We billed our sarees and went down. I took my scooty from parking place. I brought it towards where Meera is standing. She hopped on the back seat. I dropped her at her home and went to mine. I showed my saree to mom. She loved it and advised me to take Sameera whenever I go to shopping to which I rolled my eyes. I ate dinner and slept peacefully preparing myself for next day mentally.....


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