Past Part-3 Going to college-2

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Priya's POV:

After what like 2+ hours we are finally in the ride from Hyderabad to Delhi through flight is completed and now here we are sitting in that boring deans room. I am closer to take a yawn when my mom glared at me. She says its disrespectful when we yawn when someone elder is talking.

What can I do? I am sleepy as hell and no one is noticing this poor kid's eyes. And this Sam! She is behaving as she is listening some important issue and class ignoring my scratches and tickles on her thigh all the while. Ugh! What I have to do with this girl? Nerdy...

I humphed and turned my attention to Mr. Boring I mean Mr. Snoring... Wait!what? he is Mr. Bony right? My mind is a complete mess right now!

I huffed and puffed. After what felt like eternity we finally came outside and I pinched Sam on her butt to which she yelped loudly. As we are in the corridors we attracted many and she gave nervous laugh to everyone. I tried very hard not to laugh at her expression. When we are finally few meters away from them we all including our parents laughed out loud causing Sam to pout. I pinched her tip of nose and she gave me her cute smile.

Later we all went to restaurant and I ordered biryani but it is not as good as of our Hyderabad's. I was disappointed but let that go.

Our parents are very dull. After completing the food I am full as balloon. But still patted my stomach and called dad and did the same. He got the message and ordered two chocolate ice creams. I have obsession with ice cream.

After eating that me and Sam went to washroom to pee and then we all left. In the way I saw stationery store. I asked dad to stop. I went there and purchased few white journals. I decided to write diary so for that I am purchasing this. I gave one to Sam too. All the while I felt like I am being watched but let that go because who will see a weird potato like me? Yeah potato.. My father calls me a potato sometimes when I behave like stupid.

I will miss the banter with these both. I thought and sighed looking at our dull parents. Thinking to clear the tension I started behaving stupid again which lit their mood up.

We soon reached our hostel. Our room number is 4005. After dropping us our parents left to Hyderabad again as our fathers have some important work. Though they don't want to go they still did considering the seriousness of their presence requirement in the issue. Tears pooled in my eyes as I saw my parent's car leaving the drive away.

Sam hugged me. As we both are tired we laid on the bed for sometime until its seven. They said that the food will be served at 8 so we took a bath. By 7:45 we both are in our pajamas and are heading to the cafeteria where food will be served.

They kept two rotis and a dal with some aalo type curry. Looking at the amount of the food we both looked at each other. "If we eat at this rate then I am sure we don't have to do any exercise to reduce our fat" said Sam in my ears to which I chuckled.

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