Past part-11 Confusion.

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Priya's POV:

( After Abhay left her on the terrace)

I stood there like a fool.   Not understanding what wrong has gone as he burst at me like a balloon not even giving me a chance to talk! Is this man dumb?.

                   Is this how it's going to work? Him assuming things? Have I told him directly that i don't want him? I know I might said something that would have hurted him but the thing is he has to know that coming  in someone's life, stalking them and after four years of that coming as the real them and proposing and in the end bursting on you and leaving you!.

             I don't know why or what's wrong but when I saw that distress on his face I felt like hugging him and comforting him... Like I would be there for him in his every moment. May be I sounded harsh at that moment but it wasn't my intention to hurt him or his feelings but for any sort of relationships I trust that no secret feeling should be hidded nor one should have doubts. It only leads to further complications and nothing.
          I sighed as a feeling erupted in my heart which shouldn't have. I closed my eyes tightly and left to downstairs.

           "Hey babe! Wassup? And where is he? I mean Abhay? Did he tell you the plan of us meeting?" She asked excitingly to which I frowned. "whose meeting?" I asked.

             "Mine and Ajay's dumbo." She whispered.  I shook my head and told her what had happened to which she gasped. " Is it my mistake?" I asked to which she nodded her head in no.

            She pouted sadly looking at me and I gave her a small smile. We both the tried to forget what had happened. Honestly saying I no longer know what i should do any more. Whether to give him a chance or leave him like that. I don't know what my heart wants neither what my mind wants both are quarreling and creating more chaos in my already messed up situation making me wonder what will happen in the future.

       I left the issue for the time being as I felt Amaira getting dull. For her atleast I have to be strong. As usual at night i called Sameera and talked with her. Also told her about the all fiasco and she cursed Abhay numerous times and told me to not to think about anything and have a good sleep but the important thing is.... Can I ?

I dont know that too.   So I went to Amaira's room and changed my dress cause Iam staying over here... 

Author's POV:

Vikram breathed into her as she kept on looking into the sky. His hands lingering on her small waist and his head in between her neck kissing her nape and nuzzling it occasionally.

       He licked her sweet spot earning a sensual gasp and moan from her making him more hard and get encouraged with those pleasurable sounds.

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