The Untold Love Stories!

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Priya's POV:~

     He pushed me to the near by wall and said "you bitch! How many days you want to hide things from me?" He said making my mind go blank.

           "Wh-what are you saying Abhay? What are you saying?" I asked him trying to look confident but my insides are dying.

         "Don't try to act! I know you were sent by him right? That Tharun. I should have known by then that you bloody work for him. You made me fall for you deliberately so that you can send all our company's information to him. And you lost your virginity with him isn't it?" He asked as tears made their way to my eyes.

             "How can you say such things to me Abhay? How can you? You know I already love someone. He is the sole reason of my living. Yes Iam not a virgin and I told you this before our marriage! And no I didn't lose it nor let that sucumbag do touch me. He tried Abhay. He tried to force me.!! Do you think I will stoop so low? Letting that man touch me.?" I asked him as tears roll down from my face.
        If someone had said the same thing. I would have kicked them. But listening this from my man is killing and making me feel disgusted.

             I suddenly pushed him away from using all my force. " When you don't know me! Don't judge me please!" I said and joined my hands at him. He looked angry and hurt? For that moment.

          I looked away from him. " I never judged you Priya. Iam just saying the facts. No explanations but just tell that... Is this true?" He said and opened his gallery and made me go insane by looking at a photo.

          That's a photo in the past where I was drugged by Tharun. He tried to do bad thing to me but thanks to him who saved me.

       That night is a horrible one. Even I was drugged a little bit of consiousness was there. But I can't even do anything at that time because all I was feeling was so heavy that I can't even open my eyelids. More tears formed in my eyes when I saw the disgust in Abhay's eyes.

            "So tell me now. Is this all true?" He asked . "A-Abhay le-let m-me explain!" I said to which he showed me his palm to stop me from saying anything.

           "No! Just tell me whether it's true or not!" He demanded me.

              I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. How can I tell him. I cried at thought of losing him again because of all this but telling him the truth will kill him.

              "It's true" I mumbled. He looked at me furiously. He looked to his sideways and then suddenly he threw his phone to the wall.

             His eyes showed how much angry and pained he is.... And he suddenly left the room making me collapse on the ground. I cried so hard... So hard till I started to remember when I met this man... The man called as my husband now is used to be my boyfriend, my best friend and my whole world....

Aaryash's POV:

Litting a cigarette I stood in the balcony. I am gazing at stars when I felt a hand on my back.

       I turned to look at my best friend and colleague Sameera. She gave me a sad smile. A smile which screamed thousand words.

        I gave her a weak smile. "Am I nothing to her Sam? How can she marry off someone? That day too I just want to make her jealous by asking you out. I want to just show off to her that iam interested in you to see any reaction but all I received was her wedding card!" I said again those same words which I said before too as my eyes betrayed me and tears started to roll down from my eyes.

       Sam hugged me and started soothing me. I hugged her stomach. I want to forget her. I want to forget the name Priya Sharma. But can that happen in this life time?

Sameera's POV:

     After an hour or so Aaryash slept in my arms like a baby. I cooed him and he is in my lap as we are in my room right now.  I don't know what to do with him and he can never know my feelings regard him.

      He can never know what I bared and is still baring with him. He always had his eyes for Priya. Not only him. Everyone does.  Because she is Priya. I never envy her nor I did in the past.

        And about Aaryash.... He became my life since he arrived in our world.
He is my daily habbit without whom Iam nothing.   He called me and said that he is feeling so depressed and is coming to me I felt so sad.

        Even though I love him that doesn't mean I should be happy now in this situation where he indirectly said he needs me.  He first called me when I arrived my room and started saying something which made my heart die and come alive after knowing that he wants to share his pain with me.!


The wedding of Priya tierd me to the core. I arrived my room and was removing my dress when I got a call from Aarya.

        I received the call. "hello Aary
( Sameera calls Aaryash as Aary). Have you reached home?" I asked him .

       I suddenly heard a sob. "Aary are you ok?" I asked him . Still he didn't said anything and I asked him to come to my room.

          Soon after a half and hour he reached my room looking all devasted. I never saw him like this. The look he gave me screamed the pain.

       For sometime he didn't said anything. We just sat on my bed. He took his hand in mine. I started to play with his fingers.

          "I love her Sam. But she only thought me as a friend? Huh? Why Sam? Am I not enough for her? That she went to Abhay again?" He asked.

        He knew everything about her past but still infront of her he won't say anything just so that she won't feel awkward around him or feel embarrassed because Aaryash clearly showed her his true intentions. She wanted him to know that she was in a relationship but doesn't want him to know what kind of relationship was that! But nonetheless he came to know from me.

        With every tear drop he sheds for her...I can feel my every single blood drop drain for him .....

Flashback ends....

This is what it happened! I don't know what to feel or say anymore. One side Iam happy and at the same time worried for Priya and the other is with Aary. I just hope that my best friends survive this life test....

    Little did I know that my life will be ruined in the future.. that too so bad that I can't even recover from my pain. Let alone pray for someone... I never knew that in future I can't even pray for my peace! !

Not edited!!!!!!

So here is the chap. Though it's a short one but is very important!!

And guys the story becomes more interesting in future chaps so wait for them!!!

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Love-Anya ❤️.

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