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Priya's POV:

I sat in the swing chair by the garden with Diya in my hands resting against my chest as I slowly started moving in the swing as hummed a lullaby. The time is 8 in the evening and the weather is very cool. I covered Diya with my shawl as she crawled to my chest more...

          I closed my eyes as the events of the issue that had happened two days back flashed... My heart is aching with all negative thoughts... The more I think the more I am feeling low.. I stopped talking to Abhay. He apologized couple of times for behaving violently there... But the reason for my anger is not that..I want him to open up to me and when I asked the same he just walked out... He haven't changed... The past is repeating itself again... The more he hides.. the more misunderstandings will arise and when I try to tell him this he will just shut me up.

         I saw the blazing lights if our car entering the garage. The door of the passenger seat is opened by the driver as my husband walked towards the main gate. His eyes landed on my figure and I stopped swinging. His warmth engulfed me as he took steps to my side. Leaning on the ground he took my free ground. Got up and motioned me to follow him. His hand still gripping mine softly, we reached inside and I slowly gave Diya to her nanny and asked her to place her in her crib. I sat in the couch as Abhay to made himself comfortable beside me. I started looking into my hands. My palms sweating as he continued to gaze at me. "Done ignoring me?" He asked as he removed his watch. I looked at him and saw him having a small smile.

         "If I am hiding something... That means that isn't that big issue-" "If it is not a big issue then why tighten the security? You think I am blind? This is about my daughter you bloody buffalo, you stupid pig, you want me to stay quite? Dumbass!?" I scolded him and saw huts eyes widening...

         "Priya.. please..." He begged me.. as his face stated distress. "Truth..." I asked him. "What if I don't want to tell you!?" He asked me shaking his head as he narrowed his eyes at me. I smirked when he said that. " I will leave to my parents..... With Diya." I stated and heard whine.. "you won't!" He said becoming serious as he sent me a cold glare. I snorted looking at him. "Watch me!" I said and was about to leave when he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the couch.

   "Sravya Bhabi.. Diya's mother is the sister of Rihaan... Who is after Diya now.. in their childhood thier parents were dead. So Rihaan took care of Bhabi so well.. they obviously are wealthy but not as Gautam. So when Gautam and Sravya got married, he was nice at first but slowly he wanted more... Once he was caught stealing some important files so Gautam kept him away, but seeing Bhabi's face he let him wander in the office. Still he didn't change and bought Gautam's P.A and got to know about his business plans and presentations just before a day and used to make Gautam fool infront of everyone. One day Gautam caught his P.A transferring his next big project idea to that bastard.

         When he was caught out of fear he told everything.... Later many clashes happened and Gautam publicly insulted Rihaan. Even Sravya Bhabi disgusted her brother for betraying her husband, Rihaan got angry and mingled with Gautam's other Rivals and thought to kill Gautam as he thought that his sister would be going with her in-laws... Where as all of them went in one car leaving Diya in our care, his men didn't know a thing so they killed them without thinking a shit." he said looking straight into my eyes as my lips parted... It's as if he is telling me movie story...

          "You said they are wealthy too... Why will he do that? That too for money?" I asked him as he chuckled at me... "Money, power... Are always insufficient. This is human psychology... If you have money and power.... You will be satisfied for today and again tomorrow, you will thrive for more..." He said as he pulled me in his ambiance. "Then why the fuck he wants me..." I asked him making him chuckle. "He saw you, he liked how you accepted Diya. His sister was precious to him so he wants Diya to be in his care.., and now as you are taking care of her. He loved that about you." He said brushing my hair.

     "How do you know?" I asked him. "Well... Don't underestimate your husband Mrs.Rathod. He is much more than he shows." He said making me smile

           "He want Diya back. He wants you..." He said. "He will go any extent to get Diya back... So we should stay strong, I want her to grow up in a healthy environment." He mumbled. " I won't leave you... I will fight for you until my last breath, he won't do anything, I will make sure to kill anyone who will make you cry..." He mumbled and placed a kiss on my head.

              I looked up into his eyes. He kissed both my eyes. "I love-" "wait a min." He said and took his phone out from his pocket as he got a call. He lifted it and kept it on speaker as it is from Ajay jiju. "Vicky.... Met with an accident." We heard... And that's where it all started...

First of all, so sorry for late update. Just 3-4 chapters. The book will come to an end. This is the story of Diya. Many might have been disappointed but this is the story.

       This is not the end... There is much more.

So I didn't update because as you all know, Diwali festival, and today is brother's birthday so I was veryyyy busy.

                My whole body is aching like shit.   My college, exam stuff is messing with my brain and my head is aching like shit...

Take care everyone. Don't fire crackers. It's not about any Dharmas. When it comes to our nature nothing is big. You might say that the pollution coming from factories and vehicles is more than crackers pollution but controlling them is not in your hands but not firing crackers is... So I request you all please don't fire them. Many are leaving the used crackers without cleaning on the roads. Stray animals are bari the effect of that. 
          Many dogs are getting harmed, they are living beings too, respect their lives.

Spread love, spread positivity (not Corona positive my super duper intelligent readers😂😂)

Soo Stay home and Stay safe.

Love-Anya ❤️❤️

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