Past part-23 Home.

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Priya's POV:

As soon as I landed in my home town Hyderabad I felt alive... As if I have left all the burden in the air.

I rubbed my palms and wrapped them around my body. Sam came and hugged my side arm. She is looking dull.

I raised my eyebrow and she gave me a small smile. "It's been ages since we both are here..." She said in a small voice as we walked towards where our car is ready for us.

" Yeah.. but you will leave day after tomorrow." I said sadly. " No I took 15 days off. Iam feeling tired." She said heaving a big sigh.

" But what did you tell them?" I asked her. " Ugh... Leave it will tell you later."she said and she looked but uncomfortable.

We dropped Sam off at her home and went to ours. As soon as I reached home I freshened up and changed into my night shorts and shirt.

I hugged myself and closed my eyes. When I heard door creaking sound. I felt hands on my head and opened my eyes to see mom. She smiled warmly at me and I hugged her torso as she made herself comfortable on the bed.

Tears leaked from my eyes as she sat in silence and consoled me with her presence. I kept my head in her lap and cried.

I sniffed my tears back and just held her and slept that night...

*Next day*

Next day I woke upto the cloudy day and for once I just wanted to let myself lost in the nature.

The cool breeze.. the clouds... the weather... The chirps of birds... Hot coffee and my mother's hand made food.

If I think about this now, I have really missed my home.. and home is where Abhay is.. said my inner voice.

I pushed it aside and started sipping my coffee enjoying the view from my balcony when I recieved a phone call. I looked at the ID and it is Sam. I lifted the call.

Priya: hi.

Sameera: feeling better?

Priya: mm

Sameera: how about going for shopping. Aaryash is here too.

I sighed as she said those words but nevertheless agreed since I am not having any kind of work to do.

I went and took shower since Sam said she will pick me up I have to hurry. Else that bitch will kill me for sure.

I looked at my face in mirror. I eyes are swollen and puffy. My nose is still red and cheeks are red too. I shook my head and let the the hot water calm my body.

Once I got out I have choosen a black top paired with light blue jeans with my leather boots.

I applied eye liner and then lip balm. I took my handbag and went down. I sat beside my dad and was talking when I heard the car sound.

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