Past part-10 Pain in Love

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(A/N :All this is before Abhay confronted Priya. Upto Priya's POV it's past.)

Priya's POV:

A smile crept on my lips as I finally felt why I have been feeling like shit since I saw him with her. I sighed as I felt that there is something more than this 8 days 6 hours and 45 mins 17 still counting seconds meeting.

Maybe I like him or maybe this is just a simple crush. A blush crept on my face as I memorized how he looked at me first time and when he blurted out that he likes me. There was something in the way looks at me which sends shivers Dow my spine making me wonder whether he is the one that iam waiting for so long!

But my mind? Well some corner from it always whispers saying it's not right to trust strangers but he isn't a stranger he is Naina's brother. Well that doesn't mean you could trust him. What if all that gentleman things are nothing but fake? What if he is a psycho ? What if he-

*Tring tring*

The ringtone of my phone broke my inner battle. It's late in the night 10 pm and i saw an unknown number and lifted it.

"Hello" I said and is greeted with silence. I don't know who it is!

Stranger: "Priya..."

Priya : "yes it's me! Who is this?"

Stranger: "That doesn't matter-"

Priya: "It does and tell me who is this or else I will cut the call"

Stranger: "Tharun.... Tharun Bakshi." He said

Priya: "yes tell me!"

Tharun: " Priya Iam Abhay's best friend. I want to warn you regarding something about him."

He said and I frowned at this...

Priya: "If you are his friend then why are you warning me? And what is the proof that you are his friend?" I asked.

Tharun: " Questions apart Priya ! Do you know who is A.R?" He asked.

Priya: " He is my stalker." I said in low voice.

Tharun: "It's Abhay and I have evidences that its him. You can ask Ajay and Vikram too. He is a bloody psycho Priya you don't deserve a monster... You deserve the best guy. Don't fall foe his charms Priya! He is as manipulative as snake and as dangerous as Lion. He will haunt you Pri-"

Priya: " How could you say that regarding your own best friend?" I said and cut the call and blocked his number. Even if he is saying truth i don't want anyone saying Abhay a bad person or calling him names..

I took phone and called Amaira. "Hey Priya! Why did you call at this time? Is everything alright?" She asked me.

"Ugh yes! I mean no! Will you give me Jiju's number. I want to talk to him once. It important." I said and she mumbled a okay and said his number.

I enetred it in keypad and saved his name. After uttering a thanks i called jiju as I can feel my heart going wild.

I sighed as he lifted the call . " Jiju it's me Priya." I said.

After formal talks and greets i finally came to the point and asked him regarding Abhay and that guy Tharun.

"Priya yes Abhay is to stalker but trust me he loved you alot! He is an asshole I agree but i can guarantee that he won't ever hurt and don't talk to that Tharun again. He is a person with full of venom. He is always jealous of Abhay" He said.

"Thank you Jiju and don't tell him that I called you or anything regarding this matter. " I said and after bidding him bye and him assuring he won't tell to anyone we called it off.

I closed my eyes as tears of betrayel started flowing from them.... Reminding me to shut the doors of my heart close.... as the pain of his betrayel hit my heart hardly..

Sameera's POV:


The cold breezes of Banglore hit my soft skin. I am standing in the balcony of our room enjoying at the same time dreading the lonliness...

The ringing of my phone brought me back from my thoughts. A smile crept on my face seeing the caller ID.

Aaryash... He is our schoolmate since kindergarten. My first crush about whom even Priya don't know.

Well him? He already loves Priya since childhood and is willing to marry her after he gets jib. Currently he is in Pune in his college hostel.

Sam: Hey Aary.

Aaryash: How are you Meera?

Sam: Iam fine idiotic pig what are you doing at this time instead of sleeping?

Aaryash: I know Priya is not there in the room and you would be alone... Thought of talking to you so you won't feel the lonliness.

Sam: That's so sweet of you Aary but you know right that I love this lonliness..

Aaryash: I know baby...

My heart skipped a beat at this word... I mean baby? Why is he doing thing that will make me broken more and more. Though Priya never saw him in that way but what if they end up together?

It isn't like I won't be happy it's just that my heart will get broken seeing my best friend and first crush may be first love together...

Aaryash: Meera are you there?

Sam: yeah I just zoned out.

Aaryash: You know what happened today?

With that he started talking regarding how a girl proposed him and how he rejected saying that he love someone else and how his friends are trying to bring him and one of his junior together but he is leaving.

I laughed at his antics and at the end of the call I realised my face is tear strained... Why won't it? Another tear rolled down my eye thinking it's all just temporary... Once he get Priya he won't even look at me....

Author's POV:

Life is complicated isn't it? Finally when Priya thought to give Abhay a chance she came to know he is her Stalker. Sameera loves Aaryash but he loves Priya... Life only makes situation complicates at such time.

Here Abhay is creating havoc in his own life... He reached his apartment in Hyderabad and opened it with a thud. All bad ideas are popping in his mind making him go crazy that already he is.

Tears are running from corner of his eyes as he remembered how simply she rejected him. He sobbed for her... For her love... Her warms smile that he is getting suffocated at the thought that she won't be his.

Sob after sob left from his.mouth as for the first time in forever the Abhay Rathod who makes the business world shiver with his one simple glare cried for his love...

People may call him monster, psycho, obsessed idiot, stalker etc... By can anyone doubt his love for her? If he wants he can marry her right at this moment using his power, he could ruin her family and her completely but he can't and he won't too... Why? Because he loves her . If him staying away from her gives her happiness then he would do that.. maybe it could even kill him with the pain in his heart but if it comes to his Priya... He is even ready to die.. " I love you Priya" a tear rolled down his eye as he continued to sip his beer and cry for his poor love and fate...

😅😅 Sorry for late update. My health was not good.

Hope you all like it.


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