The Reception!

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Priya's POV:

                As I descended the steps I saw Abhay's back. When I was about 5 steps to descend I saw his body getting tensed visibly and as if he suddenly felt my presence he turned around. Angel is in my mother-in-law's arms. Smiling at her I was about to descend the last step when I saw a hand offering me to take it. I looked up to see Abhay standing there. His eyes have the familiar intense gaze which he never fails to send shivers to my spine...

                I kept my hand in his and blushing deep red I bent my head. I saw a smirk appearing on his face. On the arrival of my father-in-law we all went to parking lot. Me, Abhay and Diya. We three are in one car.  My inlaws are in one car and all the cousins of Abhay are in one car. All the while Abhay's intense gaze is on me.

               Angel is playing with one of her stuffed toy. So it became more impossible for me to avoid Abhay's gaze. "uhum-uhum" he cleared his throat and I looked at him. " We both are doing this for our parents. Also look Priya I don't know what kind of relationship you had with that bastard Tharun but trust me he is not a good person. He even stole-" " He even stole Megha from you!" I said and looked at him to see his reaction. Even before he can speak anything the driver informed that we are about to reach which silenced.

              "Don't be nervous. I will be there  with you all the time."-" I am not a kid and all these isn't something that I haven't faced." I said and he looked at me. " How many parties have you attended with that Tharun of your 's . Your SWEET boyfriend." he snorted.

             "For the nth  time Abhay Rathod. I am telling you that Tharun is not my boyfriend. In fact I hate him to the core. Also dare you talk about my boyfriend again!" I said and huffed. " I hate that boyfriend of her bloody idiot. Even after our marriage she is taking his side." He mumbled and I silently chuckled at that.  Its so cute that how he is becoming jealous of himself. I thought and smiled.

                  Soon we reached our destination. Outside of the hall we both saw paparazzi. Abhay took Angel from my hands and stepped outside. My mother-in-law came and took Angel from his hands. Abhay then came towards my side of door. Opened it like a real gentleman, took my hand and made me step out of the car. We both are stopped by paparazzi.

                    Abhay sent Angel inside the hall with m mother-in-law as we were stopped to ask few questions. After we getting done with them we both entered inside the hall. We sat on the beautifully decorated couch. guests started to fill in the hall. After few minutes people started to come on the stage to wish both of us. Many are from Abhay's work place. He introduced me to his each and every business partner.

                     Soon I saw my parents and Sam along with Yash coming towards where me and Abhay  are there. Grinning I went and received them along with my husband. I hugged my mother and father. I then was crushed in a bear hug by Sam. She gave me questioning looks asking whether I am alright. I gave her an assuring smile. Now the last thing I want is to talk about my problems.

                Soon the party swooned on its own and people made their ways to the  dance floor. I smiled looking at all the couples when I heard a throat clearing behind me making me startled.

     I turned and saw my mother-in-law looking at me. "What happened ma?" I asked her. "Why don't you and Abhay dance too. Infact you should as you are the main couple..." She said and without even hearing my reply she called her son who is busy and is in his own business world.

        As soon as my mother-in-law called him he reached towards her and stood in front of her impatiently waiting for her to talk. " why don't you and baby go and dance? Wait! Why iam even asking you both? Infact you both should dance." She said and pushed both of us on the dance floor and motioned someone to play romantic song for us.

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