Moving on from her.

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Author's POV:

The calmness of the nights... The sounds of insects... The cool breezes of night and the stars covered sky looking with a moon Dominating everything.

Sameera looked outside and Vikram is looking at her.. he is slowly taking her to his most important place and Sameera is excited to see what he is going to show her.

Her beautiful face is now glowing more. Her eyes are not leaving the pass way road and her hands are clutching her pallu's end with nervous.

Soon she saw a big bungalow. It is looking life less and she gulped more when Vikram stopped their car right infront of the building.

For a second she didn't knew why they are here and what is going in her husband's mind. Vikram got down from his seat and opened passenger seat. He gave her a grin before offering her a hand. Sameera reluctantly got out and felt his grip tightening around her frame.

He is gripping her shoulder firmly yet not so hard enough to hurt her. They stepped inside and saw the garden which is looking abandoned.

She saw lights on the small out house that is some what away from the main house. The whole bungalow is dull except that small out house which is having a bulb in front.

Vikram guided her towards that outhouse and knocked the door. An elderly woman opened the door. She is having wrinkles on her face.

       "Vikram Saab." The woman said and Vikram grinned at the woman. "Maa ji. How are you?" He asked and she gave him her best smile. Sameera don't know what's happening there and stood there numbly not knowing what to do.

          " Please come inside." She said still not acknowledging the young woman beside her master. "No no. Actually I can here to show my wife something. Can you please give me the keys of home ma ji?" He asked and then the old woman squinted her eyes to the lady next to her master.

              "She is your wife?" She asked and Vikram nodded. Sameera joined her hands and said Namaste to which the old lady blessed her. She went inside and fetched  the keys and gave them to Vikram. She blessed the couple once again.

      Vikram looked at his wife and gave her his nervous smile. He slowly took her hand in his again and started walking to the porch of the mansion.

          He unlocked the door and opened it. The creek sound of the door gave it some creepy feel. He entered inside slowly with her hand in his and switched on the light. Their eyes for once closed harshly for the sudden light.

            There is a big portrait of a girl who seemed to be in her mid twenties, in the picture smiling as bright as sun. Her white skin and red cheeks and those black charcoal eyes... Arunima is looking like goddess smiling like that.

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