Past part-27 (Last part) Destiny.

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Priya's POV:

    "Please come soon." I sniffed as I hugged him tightly and pushed myself deeper into his chest as he kissed my forehead.

          " How can I survive 15 days without you baby girl.." he said and kissed my hair again before cupping my face and wiping my tears.

           " Take care of yourself while I am away... Eat well and don't over work, please call me daily when you are free or atleast at night... Sleep early, don't skip your food.." I said as more tears are running down from my cheek..

                   " Please baby girl... You are making it hard for me to leave..." He mumbled in my ears. " Why cant I come with you Abhay... Please take me with you I will feel alone here..." I said hugging him hard. " Baby girl you will feel alone there mostly I have to be in the office... That's why I am sending you to my parents right? Look at me... Jaan please..." He said and I looked at him at his new endearment.

             " Jaan?" I asked him. " Yeah.. Jaan. You are my life right? My whole world is filled with you! I love you baby... I love you so much and I swear I will comeback soon. Just wait for me... After that when I get back we will have a grand celebration on our 6 months anniversary and if possible get married again and then have reception and after that..... I won't let you leave bed atleast for 15 days." He said huskily making me hit him on his shoulders and smile still crying.

            He cupped my face. " I know it's hard since we haven't been apart for 6 months... But.... God... I just sometimes hate my work!" He hissed "no.. don't talk like that.. if you are something now it's all because of your work.. so go safely and come back soon." I said wiping my nose and tears as he stared down at me with love...

          " I am lucky bastard ain't I?" He said removing a strand of my hair and then I smiled at him.

            " Now now give me a good bye kiss baby." He said. I grabbed him by his shirt and joined my lips with his as he gripped my waist hard...

          The kiss was passionate, rough and full of thirst.. thirst for each other.. my hands made their way to his hair and I gripped them hard. He left my mouth and kissed my neck and licked my lips..

           He continued to peck my lips for sometime before kissing my forehead. " I love you.." he said and I hummed smiling as I know he is dying to hear I love you too from me. " I like you." I said and he tickled my waist before taking my suitcase in his hands and wearing his bag on his shoulder.

           We sat in our car and I rested my head on his shoulder and we soon are infront of my in-laws home. He met his parents and bid them bye and left not before giving me his charming smile...

      Haaaaa! How much I am going to miss this man? I thought and left inside inside and talked with my in-laws for sometime. We all are chatting when I suddenly felt my stomach churning and I fastly went to washroom to empty my stomach... My mother-in-law gave me some water and asked me to sleep.

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