Day out with Him?

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Chapter 9

Priya's POV:

As I entered the room I found my to be husband along with Vikram Bhai and Vinay Bhai. They smiled at me when I entered. Raghu is there too. He shot me glare. I narrowed my eyes and took my further steps towards my boss who kept his head in his hands.

"Sir?" I said. He looked at me and shook his head. I frowned at him. "Why Priya?" Asked Raghu who is now coming close to me. Despite my would be's constant glaring and gritting teeth. This idiot isnt seeing that. I heaved a sigh and asked him "what why Raghu?"

" Why didnt you said that you are going to marry him!" He said in a desperate tone. I looked at Abhay to see his facial expressions. But now for my amusement his face is emotionless. Like he isnt gritting his teeth nor trying to kill Raghu with his looks a moment back.

A frown appeared on my face and looked at my boss. "Sorry sir! But can anyone tell me what's happening.?" I asked him. Mr.Ramachandra looked at me and said " Ms.Sharma Iam sorry to say but you will be no longer will work for this company." When that words left his mouth I felt the earth shattering down my feet. "Why?" I asked him. "That will be explained to you by Mr. Rathod." My boss said.

"Then what about the project we had started? Iam the one who is leading that!" I said in a desparate tone. "That will be handled by Sameera. Now you can take her with you Mr.Rathod." saying this my boss shook his hands with my fiance and Abhay clasped my hands.

"Wait.. um my things?" I asked him. "They will come to your home by this evening. I will ask someone to fetch them for you." He said in a monotone and we reached the VIP elevator and we all stood inside it.

As we reached the parking lot. I went towards my car but was dragged by Abhay. "We will go in my car. My driver will leave your car at your home. Don't worry." He said. I frowned at him. Why the hell Iam not talking back. I didn't talk back to only him. I don't know what happens to my bitchy mouth when he is around. It's like he has a control on my mouth. I was about to sit inside the car at backseat beside Vinay when Vikram said " Common Vin. Come to the passenger seat man! I have something to talk with you. Abhay!! Go and sit with bhabi. She is alone." And pushed him. Abhay gave him a look and sat beside me.

The car ride was peaceful until Vikram stopped at beauty parlour. There I saw Naina with Princess. I squealed in joy to have her in my arms. Naina entered the car and Princess crawled towards me. "So Priya.. excited for tomorrow?" Naina wiggled her eyebrows at me. What? For what I should be excited? I looked at Abhay and he perfectly is avoiding me.

I raised my eyebrows at her and she giggled. What the... "Why are you looking at me like that Pri? Don't you know? Bhai!! You didn't tell her that you guys are getting engaged tomorrow!" Naina exclaimed. My mind is blank. I can't think straight. Here Iam having doubts about marriage and they already set my engagement with him?

"What the hell?" I said looking at Abhay and he narrowed his eyes at me. "Not now Priya. I will tell you afterwards." He said.

Soon after sometime we reached a fashion boutique. I got out from the car holding Angel securely in my arms. It feels so right to hold her in my arms.

I saw mom and Abhay's mom standing with our fathers. I shook my head. "We already selected the outfit for you and him. You just have to check the size" My mom chirped like a bird. Although Iam angry at her, seeing her like this makes my heart jump out of happiness. She is the best thing happened to me in my life apart from HIM. I looked at Abhay and he gave me a nod.

I took angel with me inside and the designer gave me one lehanga which is very beautiful. It's a light pink floral embroided lehanga. It's so beautiful. Abhay too came and the designer handed him his outfit. He will look stunning in that. "Why don't you try that?" My mom said and I nodded.

I changed my dress and called my mom and mother-in-law. I don't want to go out and look at Abhay. Since when you started to behave like a shy queen Pri? What am I behaving like that.? "Priya you are looking beautiful beta. See Sharada I said na! My daughter-in-law looks best!!" My mother-in-law exclaimed looking at me from head to toe.

"Come.. let my son see what a diamond he got!" Vandana ma said. (Abhay's mom). I looked at ma and nodded my head in no. "Please ma. I don't want to. You know why! Just please don't ask me anything." I said and changed my dress back to my office attair.

When I came back Abhay was in his own engagement attire he looked at me and frowned. "Didn't you like the dress? Want some new one?" He asked. "No. I like it." I said in a monotone. He looked at me and nodded. To be honest he looked handsome.... So much that I can't take my eyes of from him. He is just like in...

"Priya!" A voice startled me. I looked at Naina. "Diya is asking for you to lift her." She said and motioned to the little monster in her hands who lifted her hands in air towards me with a adorable pout on her lips and frown on her eyebrows. I aww-ed and took her in my arms and played with her...

Later me and Abhay both choosed a dress for Diya. She looked absolutely damn cute and Abhay glared at me because he had to share his choices with me regarding our baby now.

After that we did our lunch and selected rings. My parents kept a fitting now to leave me and Abhay for ourselves to the rest of the day. They took away princess too. They said we won't be allowed to home if we don't go somewhere for a day out. Don't know how the rest of the day Iam gonna bare this....


Ignore grammatical mistakes.

So here is the next chapter guys!!!

Okay first of all Iam sorry for the late update. And no your author didn't die because of some deadly disease 😜. She is alive.

Actually I said na my exams got postponed! They are going to keep them in this month end taking all preventive steps. So Iam busy with preparation and all.

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