Good Bye part-1

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•Chapter-60 (part-1)•

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•Chapter-60 (part-1)•

Author's POV:

As if the whole world stopped... Her mind is chaotic... Yet she is suffering to tell how she is feeling... Her body is tensed up... Yet she stood numb..

          Time passed and as Priya have not reached down... Abhay came upstairs to the room.. where his daughter used to be there.

          There stood her...his wife.. looking into the mirror. The strong metalic smell of blood hit his nostrils and his eyes landed on the dead figure of his daughter's nanny laying there.

         His chest tightened and the anger he felt for Rihaan increased with each second passing as he looked at her... He took his phone called for ambulance and then again to police.  He stood near the mirror... Looks like they wrote it with Swati's blood.

       He don't know what to call him.. sick bastard perhaps. He went towards her and stood beside her. The anger that she haven't heard nor she have not kept Diya safe is killing him at the same time he knew that she wasn't the only one at fault.

        He wanted to scream so hard because the daughter he cherished all long is now gone... The daughter who used to light up his dark days... She is gone and now he is feeling guilty that he couldn't take care of the last glimpse of his cousin..

       He tried calling Priya but there is no use.. so he shook her hard and as if the soul of her body brought back to her body she shook and fell on Abhay... She gripped his shirt hard, as hard sobs left her mouth, his grip on her shoulder tightened and he gave her strength... Being there with her...

          She is trying to talk but the words are failing to express how she is feeling... Her mom and her daughter are at risk!

        Abhay took her down when he heard the siren sound. The ambulance arrived. They took Swati's body which is covered with blood and Priya cried pretty badly for losing another dear one..

      She might not is very much close to Swati but the woman sacrificed her life for her daughter! And now what she is doing? Can't she go to save her mother? Cant she go to the beast? Can't she save her mother and daughter by sacrificing herself? Suddenly Sameera's words sang in her ears...

         She tried covering her ears to stop the loud voice but...but the sounds are not coming from outside world... Those are the memories of her brain... Which are releasing and increasing her pain...

      She wanted to shut off those shouts but she can't... She suddenly became helpless... And is breathing very hard and when she felt Abhay's hand on her shoulder as he pressed her head against his chest... As if he is understanding what she is going through... As if he is saying that he will be there and will take care of everything... But Priya know.. it's far from good, it's far from good and can never be good!

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