The Day After Wedding.

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Priya's POV:

After Abhay have left I collapsed on the ground. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath. My breathing is becoming uneven as I started crying more and more with each moment.

I dont know when but my eyes got closed and soon I drifted into a deep slumber....

Later in the morning a loud knock disturbed my sleep. When I lifted my head it spinned. Slowly I opened the door to see Naina standing there.

"Here. Take this Priya. Mom has asked me to give you this saree. She said that as few guests will be coming today to see she wants you to look best for the SatyaNarayana swami Vrath" she said and smiled at me. "I will be here only if you have want any help in tying saree." She said. 

I gave her a small smile and closed the door. I went to washroom to do my chores. After completing them I stepped in the shower letting the warm water sooth my head. This brings peace in me.

I took the shampoo and applied it on my hair. After that I washed them and risned them properly. I took the soap and washed myself. After being there in shower for few minutes I stepped down and took towel. Then I realized that I didn't brought the saree with me.

Scrubbing off the water droplets on my body I tied the towel around my figure with a tight knot hoping not to fall and embarras myslef. Hope Abhay won't be there in the room.

I slowly opened the bathroom door and saw the surroundings checking if anyone is there. No one! So chanting in my mind that I will be as fast as possible I ran towards the bed where I kept my saree along with my underwears.

I hurriedly took them and was about to return when I heard "What the?.." from Abhay. My eyes got widened as large as soccers my mouth isn't any exception.

   I turned slowly to look at him and found him looking everywhere but me. My cheeks turned crimson red at that moment. "Um- umm I-I wi-will wait outside" he stammered and left outside. I locked the door and wore the saree.

   ( Pictures are only for representation

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   ( Pictures are only for representation. Priya's look👆👆).

After Iam done with saree I kept red bindi between my eyebrows and kept lipbalm. Braided my hair and was about to keep Sindoor when I heard the loud knock!

        "Are you done?" I heard Abhay and opened the door. He checked me from up and down and without giving him a chance to speak I quickly turned away and went to mirror. Took the Sindoor box in hands and opened the lid of that.

          When I was about to pinch it Abhay beat me off and took the Sindoor between his both thumb and forefinger before applying it in my Maang. ( place where married women applys Sindoor. )

            I looked at him with wide eyes. He looked at me and without any emotion and he left to the washroom. I also went out to meet my mother-in-law.

         When I went down I saw my mother-in-law is talking with some ladies probably Abhay's relatives. When I reached her I bent to take her blessing but she stopped me and kissed my forehead before hugging me.

       I smiled at her and joined in preparing the mandap for the Pooja we are going to perform.

         Soon Abhay came and joined us and the preist started the Pooja. This Pooja is performed by the newly Weds in our culture so that the couple will remain stronger and can face any kind of problems in the future.
         After the completion of Pooja Ma (Abhay's mom) asked me to help her in kitchen for the lunch.

       And yes we aka me and Abhay didn't had any breakfast because of the Pooja.

             Later after preparing the food I changed into a Lenin peach color simple saree.

   ( Pictures are only for representation)

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   ( Pictures are only for representation).

        Angel is in Naina's room so I went there. As there are so many guests my mother-in-law is not letting her out. Thinking it will cause illness to her because of evil eyes.

      I took her in my arms and went to our room. I sat in bed and took her in my arms and started.feeding her bottle milk. How good it would have been if she is my real daughter. I thought and kissed her forehead to which she gave me her cute grin.

      I started playing with her stomach and she is laughing making me laugh too. She is so cute with her angel like smile which always makes me forget my pain.

       When I was busy in playing with her I noticed someone at the door step. It's Abhay. He looked at me intently and then went to washroom. When he came back he was dressed up in casuals.
        He is avoiding me successfully which makes me question my existence. I looked at him and he didn't even glance at me.
       He came and sat beside me on the bed. Angel just jumped in his arms and staters to play with his hair. Soon his hair became a mess. Angel kissed his cheeks and started to talk to him in her baby language.

        He is doing the same too. Which is quite awesome view to my eyes. Our kids.... This word pains me alot... I closed my eyes as tears formed in them the last started flooding in my eyes. My breathing is getting harder with each passing moment. I got up left the to bathroom leaving Abhay thoughtless. Opened the tap and cried harder in washroom. After Iam done I came out and saw Abhay looking at me with so much concern. Later we ate lunch prepared by me and slept for sometime with Angel between us. Because in the evening I should again get ready for another drama called our reception....

Sameera's POV:

     Aaryash slept in my room last night. As iam the only one who will be staying in the room it's not a big deal. We both slept in eachother's arms.

      It feels like heaven to be with him. The way he kept me close to his heart ... Letting me hear his heart beat which became a soft music for my ears and making  me feel like Iam in home after so long..

        When we woke up he hugged me closer to his heart and thanked me. He left the room after getting freshen up and we both together had breakfast. After that I packed my bag and we both left to hjs place and packed hi bag too for our trip to Delhi. For Priya's reception!

Hey guys.

Chap not edited!

Sorry if you guys are feeling that I am updating late. But Iam in my grandma's home with cousin. It's becoming hard for me to write but iam still taking time for you all leaving the whines of my family.

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ID: girlinthelights8

Love-Anya ❤️ 

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