Past part-5 The groom's friend.

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Priya's POV:

Shiver ran down my spine as he said those words. "What do you mean by that?" I asked him getting tensed. Is he following me.. or more like stalking?

" Come on Priya... You are my sister's best friend. She told me once when we are passing by." He said and smiled.

I sighed getting relieved. You scared me. I thought. "Ok than. Thank you Abhay ji. I will be leaving." I said and left his car.

Sweat formed ony forehead and I sighed as I felt my heartbeat quickening. I felt like he is watching me and I turned around. He is there looking at me intently. My breath hitched in my throat as he gave me a smile... An actual smile not the smirk he had been giving since we met.

I gave him a smile and went inside.

* After couple of hours.*

The rain is now stopped and I packed all my stuff and Sam is sulking saying that she will miss me.

Actually my this cousin is kinda very close to me. I said I will miss Sam too.

That night went by me thinking about Abhay... He is so handsome and that charming smile. I never had crushes in my teenage. In college... Here to many guys good looks only... But still I never felt this much of attraction and all to a guy... That too he is a stranger too. But a handsome stranger.. looks can be decieving Priya whispered my inner voice.

Yes... Looks could be decieving too. I should stay away from him. And from where the hell this attraction thing came in between? I scolded myslef and slept.

Iam in a dark room. I can see moonlight... I can clearly see everything. The lights are off but still the moonlight is enough to let me see everything around me.

I felt a hand snaking around my waist and felt someone's bare body touching my naked self. His face is now in my crook as he nuzzled at me sweet spot.

He started leaving wet kisses all over my neck and then his hands slowly made their way to my navel and he started rubbing his hands and drawing different patterns there. He made me face him.. my eyes are still closed. He started kissing my lips and his hands roamed all over my body stopping on my hips. He gave me a forehead kiss and enetred into me... I opened my eyes... "Abhay..." I gasped looking into his black charcoal eyes as he made love to me.


What the hell? What is that about. I thought and got up. I closed my eyes as sweat formed on my forehead. I took my phone and it's 5 in the morning. I heard mom saying that morning dreams comes true Priya. Said my inner voice.

I ignored it and got ready for the day. When I went outside to check if i got wishes today I got none. Feeling dejected I went away. All the day went restless.

I reached Hyderabad and saw my father waiting for me. I jumped and crushed him with my hug. Stranded next to him is my cousin for whose marriage I came here. I hugged her and she kissed my cheeks.

Their house is one street away from from ours. Dropping her in her home and meeting some relatives there we drove to our home.

Reaching our home I went and hugged mom. She kissed my cheeks and asked me to take a nap.  Later in the evening when I woke up mom asked me to get ready so we can go to my cousin's home.

I took a shower and wore a grey color chudidar. I left my hair open. Mom wore a green saree. Dad is not attending with us as he is somewhat busy.

Me and mom reached the house while talking about how the groom is... What he does and all. I came to know his name is Ajay. He is a doctor. He even have his own hospital.  And yeah I forgot to tell my cousin's name.. her name is Amaira.

I went inside and sat beside my sister. There is one girl and a boy who is smiling looking at me and is giving looks.

   I ignored it and gave them polite smiles. . My cousin Amaira said that they are Ajay jiju's friend. Soon a man came. He is handsome but not as much as Abhay. Why are you comparing both of them? My inner voice asked. Just like that. I said.

         Ok whatever makes you sleep tonight. I ignored it. We all went to jiju's home as we all are bored. I told to mom and went with them.

          We all are talking. " Hey Ajay. Have he called you and told you anything?" Asked Arunima. That girl who is jiju's friend.

          "Yeah man.. where is he?" Asked Vikram bhaiyya. "He is on his way." Said Ajay jiju.

          Later we all talked and the evening passed by. Me, Ankush my cousin, Amaira and with jiju and his friends. It felt great being with family.

         Ajay jiju is what like 5.9. He is tall and he have brownish hair. He is not that much bulky like Abhay but is in fut shape. But Vikram Bhai isn't like that.

        He tall and what like 6? He too have brownish hair and is bulky but not more than Abhay.

          See again... Shut up you little piece. Iam trying not to ok? One more word again I will kill you. Are you dumb woman? How can you kill me when you are alive ? Ughhh. Hate you.

       Leaving my little brat with herself I went to kitchen. I brought water bottle. "I will go and pick him up !" I heard Ajay jiju talking . Who is he? Why these people are so excited regarding him.

     I left that thought. I talked with few woman there and played with some children. I heard a car horn. Soon a man came in his black plain t-shirt and a luggage on his shoulders. I lifted my head to look at him and my eyes widened... Looking at this man...

Here is the Chapter.

It's not edited. Hope you all like it.

Love-Anya ❤️

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