Meeting the Rival.!?

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                        •Chapter 10•


The lazy Sunday is everything one wants.. the chirping of birds, the aroma of food and coffee with your mother's taunts of of not getting up from your bed ofcourse....

The summer winds are blowing and it's quite sunny outside. Priya stood in her room's balcony and is drying her wet hair.

It's been a month of her engagement and the day out with Abhay. Everything is going softly.

Now it's only fifteen days away from her wedding. She has to do alot of shopping. Doing all this she don't know about Abhay but for her it's all like deja'vu. She is reliving the same moments of her past.

After drying her hair she came inside her room and decide to change from her casual outfit. She wore that because today she is going for shopping with her family for the upcoming events in her life. She doesn't want to ruin her dress with water droplets and she don't like to dry her hair with dryer. She does that only when she is in hurry.

She wore a white top paired with blue jeans and baby pink flat half shoes.

She wore a white top paired with blue jeans and baby pink flat half shoes

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(Priya's outfit 👆👆👆).

After wearing her dress humming a song she descended the steps looking at her phone.

"Maaa coffee" she yelled not even looking at the guests busy in checking notifications in her mobile.

Her mother stayed quite watching her daughter embarras herself infront her future in-laws. She slapped her head. Even after sometime as her mother didn't give her coffee Priya turned to yell when she noticed a black pair of eyes looking in her direction with amusement dancing in them.

The way he is gazing her is enough to send chills in her spine. The charcoal black eyes held her gaze and she felt the same chills the same eyes gave her in her past. The tension is also same making her wonder whether she is living in her past.

On the other hand Abhay is breaking his own promises of not obsessing over this beautiful lady with pair of black eyes and black-brown butt length hair. Her plump lips are enough to make him go crazy and spend sleepless nights thinking how wonderful they might taste.

She is not slim neither she is fat. She is a beautiful woman with perfect curve at all right places. Whenever she is with his daughter she smiles. The smile which fades when he comes.

         He had caught her looking at him several times. Wondering what thoughts must have running in the brain of hers. He never knew that someone could be this beautiful, selfless, quirky, and intelligent. She is everything a man ever want but why do he feel her familiar? Like he knew her before.!

            A tragedy happened in his life few years ago. When he gained his consciousness he found himself waking up after a year. He only remember some of his past. Does she related to his past. If so then why didn't his family tell him about her. They said he is single and don't have any lover or wife? Are they lying? But what might be the reason for it? His thoughts  broke when his mother told Priya to join them.

                When she sat beside him. His daughter who is upto now playing with him jumped in Priya's lap whining for her attention. Priya gave her a motherly smile and started playing with her.

           Looking at both of important women in his life he didn't know when his lips curved and he started grinning like an idiot. Abhay Rathod rarely smiles.. he only smirks. He only smiles with his daughter. What the heck is this beautiful lady is doing to him and his heart? Whatever she is doing hope she never break him.....

Priya's POV:~

After having an awkward breakfast with my in-laws all of us left to shop for the upcoming days.

          First we went to a designer boutique. We nearly took 3 hours to select all the dresses. We took dresses for haldi, sangeet, wedding and reception. We took the same color which I wear for angel too. I want us to be twinning. She is really an angel in my life.

          Later we went to jwellary shop. We took nearly 4 hours for everything. As it's not only for me but also for all the women. There was a point erupted in our ladies side that their partners should gift them with some jwell specially. Sulking all the men did that except for my man. He didn't give a shit. Not like I care. Don't lie Pri I know you want him to give you something or want him to show that he is in to you. Now don't give that ' I don't give a shit if he care or not' look. I am your consiousness.

        I sighed feeling restless at the thought of Abhay not caring me. We are at entrance of the restaurant where we decided to eat our lunch.  I didn't realise that I lost my track and my parents are already ahead of me.

           I started to walk a bit fast by trying to catch up with them. I was in hurry and got bumped into some guy and was falling when I was captured in that guy's arms. I closed my eyes tight. I felt him staring at me. Somehow that made me uncomfortable. When I opened my eyes I turned to my sides only to see Abhay glaring at us.

        I realised the reason why. When I saw who is the person that helped me. My voice struck in my throat and anger rose to my tip of head. The anger I tried to control since angel came into my life is dominating me now. "Hello Priya. Long time no see. How are you doing?" He asked. "Iam fine upto now Mr.Bastard... I mean Mr. Bakshi." I said and Abhay came towards us. He encircled his arms around me and held me like iam his precious possession.

             "Hey Abhay. And Priya still feisty. With our last encounter I thought you must have killed yourself. Hahaha you are alive? I thought the reason of your life... Your fucker boyfri-" I cut him off with a punch on his face. I grabbed his arm and twisted it. He isn't fighting and I pushed him down and thrashed him on his face by kicking. "One more fucking word about HIM I will make sure to slit your thought Mr. Tarun Bakshi." I gave him a warning and turned to Abhay who is now looking at me with a shocked expression. Uh-oh... I smell trouble now!!...

Not edited.
Here is the chapter. I hope you all like it.

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