Past Part-17 Making Memories.

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Sameera's POV:

I was leaning over the railing of balcony and is watching the full moon with my eyes full of stars as I thought about Aaryash...

      His that question took me off gaurd last time when we met and for my fate or what he is just staying in the opposite building and he can see me clearly if he comes top of the building at the terrace.

          When he asked that question I didn't knew what to say and stood there silently watching his eyes... Why is it so hard? Why is loving so hard and how many days should I suffer like this.

     The last time I wanted to confess him was at our 10th Farewell day just like any other one side lover would do to their crush since they can't see them more often afterwards.

    That day I dragged him to a sheculed place behind our school but he surprised me saying that he loves Priya and he needs my help to pursue her.

     It broke my heart into million pieces.. it felt as if someone stabbed my heart continuosly and I felt immense pain till now cause whenever I think about him the only question that arises in my mind is that why it isn't me... Why it isn't me that he loves and why I am the only one who should die to get his love...

Whenever we talked he always mentioned her... He always talked about how beautiful her hair is.. how good it will be if he gets a chance to touch them.. I even sometimes wonder whether he ever saw me as a woman or girl... Apart from friend.

    I smiled thinking sadly about him... My eyes are moist by now.. If I had known that loving someone would be this painful I would have closed the doors of my heart a long time ago...

     I am just a silly girl... A girl who was blinded by love but now even if I want I can't do anything about since I always thought that I can love only one person... Little did I know that my views will be changed!

(A/N: what? Her views will change?🧐🤔)

Priya's POV:

I clasped my hand with Amaira as soon as we met downstairs leaving Abhay's hands. If it wasn't for my fast reflections I would have missed seeing him frowning when I left his hands. I silently giggled at the thought of him becoming jealous of this. Isn't my baby cute?

We Visted few near by places and did some street shopping and ate lots of street food. Ofcourse at first the guys didn't ate anything since they think that it's gross but I forcefully pushed Abhay to taste something so did Arunima Bhabi and Amaira...  You see sometimes you shouldn't mess with your partners.

          I was a laughing mess by the time we are in our resort! Seriously I never saw this shade of these three men who always wear a mask of being silent but in real they are literally the mischievous little things I must say.

        As soon as j reached my room I changed to my PJs and went to the room's balcony.

    The moon... The stars... And beach and the sand... The view from here in night is breathtakingly beautiful and I couldn't stop myslef from taking loads of pictures.

      I was silently enjoying the cool breeze that is coming when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it saw Abhay there with a glass full of milk make me smile and remind me of one of the ritual where bride should bring milk to her groom on their wedding night and blushed and laughed mentally at my stupid thoughts cause if I laugh out loud then he would have poked me to speak until I tell him.

     I let him in and we both directly went to the balcony again. He gave me milk glass and I frowned at him now. I thought that was his galss...

         " I don't drink milk." I said again started looking into the sky when he brought that to my lips and I gave him a side glance.

        " Come on.. I know you can't sleep in new places comfortably so I brought you this milk. Atleast drink half of it love." He said and I pouted at him.

     " There there. Don't give me that look. No matter what... your 'that' kind of looks won't be worked. So you better drink it." He said and after huffing and puffing I completed half galss of it and gave him rest of the milk.

       " Who is the asshole who gave you this milk. I mean will they supply it here in night that too in rooms?" I asked him and he gave me a chuckle.

          " Don't tell me you have used your influence here too!" I said and he laughed out loud making me gasp and hit his arm playfully.

       He stopped laughing and started drinking the milk. " Eww. I just drank it. If you badly want to drink milk you should have brought yourself one!" I said and he smiled at me but I laughed out loud.

     The above part of his lips is now with milk.  It's so funny on him oh my god! Looking at him like that I laughed more.

  He looked cute. I thought and pinched his cheeks but unknown to me I felt my hand reach his lip. I took that little amount of milk with my thumb finger and brought to lips and sucked it hard. I rubbed his upper part of lip where the milk was there with my index finger and sucked it again... I licked it off from my finger and for some reason it tasted so good.

      I stopped sucking when I realised what I was doing... I took out the finger from my mouth and looked at him as his gaze hardend...

     He grabbed my waist and pulled my neck and dragged me closer.. now his face more closer than ever. His eyes are stucked on my lips. Our lips are just only few inches apart and he isn't doing anything about it... He looked into my eyes and I inched closer to him more and touched our lips sealing my destiny with this devil....

🙈🙈🙈 Oh my... They kissed finally. And I was blushing hard as hell writing those things....🙈🙈

And........ This chap is dedicated to my best supporter,best friend and one of my best mentor. Sasanka54 HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNAYA ( brother) ❤️ May you celebrate many birthdays like this.

Love-Anya ❤️

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