Past part-25 Married ❤️❤️

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Aaryash's POV:

I tapped the cigarette in my hands and took a huge puff before releasing it in the air. The weather is cool today and I closed my eyes as her face flashed infront of my eyes. Her smile, her laugh, her those curious eyes... Her blush, her anger, her love, her friendship... Everything is so precious..

When I saw her in our 9th grade.. I fell for her then only, she saved me from few bullies of our class and she and Meera are the first two friends of mine in that school.

Then she used to wear two braids, with a small black bindi and always sitting in her place waiting for Meera to come. She wasnt like all those girls who flaunt their wealth nor she is down to earth, she just keeps people in their own position.

Sameera... Unlike Priya she is calm in nature, she is the most beautiful soul I have ever seen. She was there everytime I cried. She never let me break. She never let me down and always motivated me..

On the day we were coming here too... She cried because I was harsh! I mean I know I am a fool to hurt that poor innocent soul.. i just wanted to wipe those damn tears of her's and kiss her forehead and tell her how sorry I was. For one moment I wanted to touch her every fiber but suddenly Priya's face flashed.. I felt like I was betraying my own heart but I don't know... who was in my heart...

Priya's POV:

I saw her dragging him by his collar and attaching her lips to his before he pushes her away. I stood there motionless.

She smirked looking at me. Abhay glanced at me and I can see fear in his eyes. He was about to reach me and I showed him my palm indicating to stop!

I walked towards Megha and I saw her smirk disappearing as I approached her. I stood infront of her.


Yes. I slapped her.. hard right on her cheek and immediately grip lips tightly in my fingers as she groaned with pain.

I pushed her to the near by wall. " How dare you? How dare you to touch what is mine let alone kiss." I said in a low deadly voice and I saw fear in her eyes. I gripped her hair tightly in my hands. " HOW DARE TO YOU LAY YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON MY MAN!" I screamed and I noticed everyone gathering outside the room.

" Priya leave her." I heard Amaira saying as she grabbed me away from her. "SHE TOUCHED HIM!" I screamed at her and she hugged me. Badi maa came and dragged Megha out. I saw Abhay coming towards me but I pushed him away and ran downstairs. Unlocking my car I sat in it and drove away as angry tears made their way.

I sniffed back my tears as they are clouding my way. Since Amaira's house is near by I soon reached my home and dashed to my bedroom. Since it's afternoon and past lunch my parents are not there in the living room.

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