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Author's POV:

The days rolled in faster as Priya grew more close to Diya and now she is not taking Abhay's help in changing her daughter's daiper. Two months did wonders with the mother and daughter relationship

Diya started to say words like food, mumma, eat, toy and Priya can't be more happy as Diya started to walk few days back.

Priya is now getting so attached to Diya that she is feeling like that God has taken her baby to give the other. She is so happy that all her worries,pain and sadness gets disappeared when she is with her daughter.

Currently she is sitting in the garden of their home on the bench waiting for her husband with her daughter... She won't say she is not missing her work place but... To have somethings we have to lose somethings..

"Madam. Shall I bring some juice?" She heard the head maid asking and nodded in no. She is waiting for him from past 15mins. She can't say that things between them is settled but for now they are pushing it...

Some times he acts all caring and then the next he shows his annoyance... She can say that there is something which is bothering him... He sometimes wakes in the middle of he wakes up having nightmares and suddenly comes to couch and hug her tight.

Last night happened the same. She was reading a book sleeping on couch. She too want to share bed with him bed but... she haven't yet forgiven him. She might talk to him normally and smile but... Talking and acting like a normal couple is something for which she needs times because sometimes she can't trust her own hormones... That to around him.. since it's been so many days since she had been close to him every time he touches her she can't stop the rasing haromones.

Priya shook her head to clear the thoughts when she heard the car sound and turned towards the garage and saw her husband coming out from his car.

Diya started wriggling as she saw her father and Priya immediately went towards him but he went past her without glancing. Priya trailed behind him and Diya started to wail loudly as Abhay is not giving her the attention as Priya looked at him worriedly..

" You okay?" She asked him but he continued to go to his study and shut the door loud enough for Diya to cry loudly... Priya got so angry but controlled it as she knew he might be tired and showing anger on him when his mood is not good will be bad because in the first place she don't know what is happening with him.

Later she asked Diya's Nanny to take care of as she prepared food. The head maid was worried looking at a very angry Priya chopping the vegetables. "Madam please slow down.. you will hurt yourself the knife is new one." Head maid said worriedly and true to her words... "Shh." Priya hissed and all the maids rushed towards her making chaos of their Madam's small cut.

Hearing the chaos Abhay stepped down and saw the head maid cleaning the table and all the maids are rushing to Priya.

He saw her holding her two fingers and saw blood oozing out. He rushed towards her and washed her hands. He asked the head maid to bring the first aid kit but Priya forcefully took her hand away from his grip.

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