Diya's Birthday part-1

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Priya's POV:

Abhay.... It's been 2 weeks since I have seen him.... The clock tricking in our bed room and the night insects sounds... Became the witness to my lonliness..

       When he received a call from police they said that the man who tried to steal my baby has woken up since he was in treatment and Coma because he was shot... So Abhay dropped me in home after bring Diya back with us and went there to the hospital.

          After he came, he didn't say much. Instead he said he have some few business issues to take care and left the day itself...

         I have tried calling him each day but he didn't receive me properly... He must be in some work so I didn't want to pressure him more than he already is!

     Tomorrow is my baby's 2nd birthday and the mother side of me can't be more happy but my wife side is like.. dead! Yesterday night I have called him and nagged or literally cried for him to come Atleast on Diya's birthday but I heard him scold me pretty badly of how irritating it is becoming for him if I nag like that.. for sometime I cried but then I realized... He must have been in some trouble or there is something that he is not telling... He defined is hiding something! And I know he will take care of it in his own way... I have known him for years to tell this...

        And instead of supporting him in this tough time I am behaving like a brat... he must have had reasons though his shouting everytime only leads to our fight considering the past but I can do nothing.. I should understand him too...

      I sighed as the clock striked 3 in the morning... Still I am here... Sleepless. Diya is sleeping soundly and is even snoring a little bit making her more adorable.

          I don't have to worry much about the next day's preparation since Naina and her husband Vinay bhaiyya are here to look after everything. I know they came because of certain someone's pressure and my mother-in-law and father-in-law came today evening and since they are so badly tired with the journey they ate dinner quickly and slept in their room.

       The party tomorrow will be simple with only our family and close friends aka none other than Amaira's family and Sameera's family.

         Diya is the dearest to everyone who knows her she is just like a happy bubble. She makes you smile, she makes you feel like she is the true meaning of being cute, adorable, naughty, charming and bloody what not! My daughter is literally a Savage baby too because I don't know how but she behaves oddly with people who show offs! I swear to God I have never taught her something like that! She just will have a blank and serious look on her face and when that person tries to take her in their arms she will pull their hair out and cry!

                I chuckled remembering those memories. The night scenery from our room looks quiet beautiful and I spent all the night looking at the full moon... Which is not new to me...

The next morning came quick by and I completed my morning chores and by the time I am out I saw my little angle sitting in her crib and is looking side ways. I chuckled at her and went towards her. Placing a kiss on her both cheeks "Happy Birthday my baby..".I cooed her and  took her to the washroom. After her chores I bathe her warm water. We played in water for sometime and then after wiping her properly with towel I made her wear maroon colour Pattu langa with gold border in the end.

     Meanwhile my mother-in-law entered and greeted me and then wished Diya. "She is looking like an angel!" She exclaimed beaming at me. "Yeah. Indeed she is an angel" I said smiling and she took kept Kajal near Diya's temple taking it from her eyes and kissed her. I took the gold chain I have brought for her while shopping and made her wore. "I will take her to my room, in the meanwhile you get ready. You can't even tie saree if she is here. I will feed her neatly without making her spoil the dress. We will have breakfast after we comeback from the temple." She said and I nodded. 

      She took Diya outside and I turned my heels towards the washroom. I removed my clothes and the hot water greeted my body. I took the shampoo and squeezed some in my hands and applied it to my hair and started rinsing them. After that I took soap and applied it to my body. I washed my body with water and switching of the shower I took the towel and wiped the water from my body. I took my bra and panties, I wore them and took a maroon colour saree which is a half pattu one with gold border and small mango shaped design in gold threads all over the saree. The blouse is a very simple one with gold color stones here and there and the border of the blouse is gold too.

          I took the pallu and arranged the plates and looking into the mirror I placed it over my shoulders and the door of our room suddenly burst and I saw my husband standing there....

              Our eyes are locked for a minute before I breathed and nodding I turned to the mirror again. I felt his presence behind me..... I sighed and started adjusting my saree properly and tried to ignore his musky scent around me... I tried to ignore his burning gaze and I tried to ignore his tiredness....

     I felt his hand reach my waist and pulled me towards him making me gasp and leaving the pallu as it came undone. " I should complain to my mother-in-law about my wife not greeting me properly " he said as a mischievous glint passed through his eyes. I took the safety pin in my hand which I use to pin the pallu to blouse and poked it at his hands making his retreat his hands. I folded my hands near my chest looking at him and said "welcome back husband." With a sweet smile on my face. He looked up at me and gave me a full blown smile. "Came back for you wifey... Came back for you.." he said grabbing me again by waist and joining his lips to mine... 

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