Heart full of pain.

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Author's POV:

After calling Sweta, Diya's Nanny the couple left to the hospital whereVikram was admitted. As soon as Amaira saw them coming she hugged Priya.

"What happened?" Abhay questioned as sweat beads formed on Ajay's forehead. "It's not accident..." He said and leaving as big shaking breath.

"I guess it his plan. His some limbs are tortured and his face looked as if he was beaten badly.. might be a revenge plan." Ajay said looking down. Priya looked at a numb Sameera and made her way towards her.

Priya slowly touched Sameera's shoulder and immediately Sameera jerked her best friend's hand. Looking down still. Priya's heart skipped a beat when Sameera didn't cry instead continued to look down.

An unfamiliar feeling erupted in Priya's chest. "Sam.." she said kneeling down infront of her. "Sam." Priya shook Sameera's shoulder calling. Sameera suddenly got up and Pushed Priya away..

"Are you happy now? First Aaryash now Vikram.... Why Priya? What did I do to you?" Sameera said as tears flowed out from her eyes..

"Sameera listen... I know you are angry because all of this but think from a fair mind that I am not behind this... Try to understand... They are behind us-" "Behind you... Behind you Priya... Not behind us... He got hurt because we have connections with you!" Sameera said and Abhay's chest tightened...

Though he knew Sameera is speaking out of pain and thought of her husband still it pained him. He knew she is stating truth but somewhere he expected her to stay calm...

"They want you and Diya right? Then why don't you leave? If you love your family and everyone of us then why can't you sacri-" "Shut the fuck up Sameera. Enough is enough!" Amaira gritted making Sameera sob. "You don't know the heartbreak di.." Sameera said as she collapsed on the chair. Priya took few steps back as the lump forming in her throat became hard...

Yes... Sameera is correct... Because of her and Diya the whole family will suffer.... Now Vikram, tomorrow others... Tears brimmed in her eyes when Sameera didn't even glanced at her after spatting those hurtful words. She sat there silently until the doctor came out and said that everything is fine..

Abhay went out 1 hour back to take care of few things. He came back with police just after the doctor's statement. The police asked about Vicky's condition, took Abhay's statement and Abhay asked catch him soon else there will be severe things they have to face.

He came and sat beside his wife and she rested her head on his shoulder. "Want to go home?" He asked and she closed her eyes and nodded in no.

Sameera is too numb to react for anything. She just stood near the door in which Vikram was there... Her heart is not taking that her husband was tortured badly... That too not by one... Because she knew that he can handle Atleast 5 members easily...

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