The Water Fight.

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🚨 This chapter contains mature content. You have been warned!🚨

Author's POV:

Her head is against his chest and his arms are around her small yet strong frame. He is kissing her head constantly and the fact that someone knows this too that Priya is in mansion now is not unaware of them.

But they decided to stay strong... Together.. with each-other. "I love you.." she said and he was suddenly shocked and looked down at her. "What did you say?" He asked feigning innocence. "That I love..." She stretched and he glared at her. "Yeah. Say you love..." He asked her. " I love my boyfriend." She said and giggled.

Abhay fake gasped " I will make sure to beat him to pulp-" "Say one more thing about him I will kill you." Priya said huffing making him chuckle.

" So you feigned innocence that day!" Priya said suddenly and Abhay frowned. "When?" He asked." That day you asked me to tell about my boyfriend! That day you were acting!" She exclaimed removing his grip on her.

"Oh.. that.. I was you know.. I just wanted to know how you will react and then I wanted to know how you feel about me because... You never said you love me before properly.." Abhay said and Priya gaped at him.

She flicked his forehead and he pouted. " Have I ever made you feel like you are not loved?".she asked him to which he nodded in no.

She sighed. "See Abhay love is not just something that can be expressed in words... The love which is expressed in words have no value... The real love is something that shows in your actions... Like how you have to bare all this to protect our family... Like how I... How I left for your own good... How our parents sacrifices their wishes and desires for us... This is it Abhay. Never feel like I am not loving you..." Priya said sighing and Abhay looked at her with adoration..

" Soo.. did you liked what I have said on that day?" Priya asked mischievously as blush coated his cheeks. He immediately closed his face with his palm making her laugh.

She laughed throwing her head back as he nodded his head in yes. " I still can't believe this... That you got your memories back." Priya said as bit his lower lip.

" Its all feels like a dream Abhay... And I am afraid to wake up." Priya mumbled and Abhay cupped her face before joining their lips.

Priya gasped at the sudden kiss and feel back on the ground laying flat as he entered his tongue inside her and his hands in her top.. she gasped at the touch and he bit her lower lip hard making her groan and toes curl.

Blood oozed from her lower lip as he started sucking it. He then trailed wet kisses down her jaw to neck.. her one hand laid on his shoulder as the other reached his hair. His lips touched her neck's sensitive area.

He kissed there softly earning a moan from her.. his started nibbling her softly and soothed it by licking. He bit her there liitle harshly earning a sensual hiss from her. He stopped what he is doing suddenly and looked at her with smugness. "See this helps you remember that this is not a dream." He said sensually in her ear as he placed another kiss just below her ear earning a moan from her.

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