The heart's feeling.

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                          Chapter 8

Author's POV:

    Priya's heart is pounding in her chest. Sweat beads are forming. Abhay has a daughter and she was not aware of that fact. If he is already married then why her mother didn't said anything to her.

           "What do you mean by she is Abhay's daughter Naina? He isn't married!" Exclaimed Sam. "I know and it's not my place to say anything. Bhai will tell you Priya." Just then the doors of the room burst open by none other than Abhay Rathod.

         He looked at his sister and brother-in-law and then at Sameera before setting his eyes on Priya. His eyes held so much emotion that can't be described. Priya's heart is beating fast. She cant concentrate on anything around her except Abhay. His gaze is sending shivers down her spine.

        Sameera's throat clearing brought them to earth. Both looked away from eachother. That's when the little angel wriggled in Abhay's arms to go to her aunt aka soon to be  mom. "Uhh dada" she said in her baby voice signaling him to let her go to her aunt's arms.

        Priya took the baby and everyone left leaving Abhay and Priya with Diya. "I heard what was going on here." Abhay said. He don't know why but he wants her to know he didn't touch any woman. Her doubts about him are making him restless at the thought what she would be thinking about him.

          "Diya is my cousin Goutham's baby. He and his wife Sravya died in a car accident along with their parents. They all went to Temple leaving one month Diya at home. She was so tiny and couldn't go out. So bhabi left her with ma. That's when they all died while returning from temple by an accident. As me and Goutham share close bond I felt Diya as mine. She needs a father's support and name. So I gave her mine. Trust me I won't say iam virgin but I haven't touched any woman recently." Abhay said all this is one breath while the red color painted his cheeks in the end while he was talking about Virginity. It made Priya smile. He looked damn cute.

            "I understand. I will take care of her. She is now my baby too." Priya cooed looking at the tiny figure in her arms. Diya fitted perfectly in her arms. Like her arms are made to hold her. Abhay heart warmed with unknown reason. He looked at the stranger who is soon going to share his bedroom and his daughter.

         The lovely moment got disturbed by Priya's father who said they had to leave as it's already half past 11. They bid their good byes but while giving Diya to Abhay Diya started to cry loudly clearly despising her aunt's departure. She wanted to be in her arms as she is so warm and is comfortable.

          Priya worried alot and literally wanted to stay with Diya but she can't. She left from there half heartedly. She dropped her friend at home and both father-daughter duo went to their home.

        After reaching home she lost her appetite. She took bath and laid on the bed. Nowadays she is not eating properly nor she is sleeping. It's happening again. The past she want forget... The pain she want to ease. The thoughts she want to bury... The dreams she never wanted to be real... The recent things are taking toll one her mental health.

           She closed her eyes and she saw the same pair of eyes which destroyed her in the past and is still continuing to destroy her. She never thought that the solace which gave her peace and made her feel like she is in home are now more dreading. Her heart, mind and soul are not in place. All she can now feel is sadness.

          She sat on the bed and took her laptop and started working from room. She is not getting sleep. Her insomnia isnt helping either. She started working still the Sun rays hit her beautiful face. She looked outside and a smile crept her face.

          Previously she wanted the moon to envolope the sky and bring stars to her beautiful world and fill her life with shine and now she hated darkness. It makes her feel how lonely she is... Only she know how she is living in this cruel world.

           She shook her head and went to washroom to get fresh up and wrap herself for the day. As she looked at herself in the mirror she don't know how to feel. The charcoal black eyes which used to be with full of life are now dead looking at her reflection. She is looking like a blood sucking vampire.

        She stepped into the shower and drowned in her thoughts. She came out of shower after waking herself properly with her strawberry and vanilla mixed body wash. He likes that smell on her. Ughhh her every move is leading to that part she wished never exist.

        She choosed her attire and gone for the day. It's 8 and her office starts at 9. She had one hour time but still she don't want to waste it by thinking about that person. She grabbed her breakfast and giving good-byes to her parents she left for her job which is the only thing that keeps her sane.

         She entered the office premises and was greeted by security guard. She want to her cubicle and started working. As the time passes people started to fill. Her mind is not even ready to move the eyes from screen of her laptop.

           She didn't even greeted her friends. She is completely making herself tired by working so that she can sleep at last in the night. Her headache isnt helping. When she was going through some presentation she was called by her boss to his office.

       As she entered her boss's office she  saw three people sitting. She saw Vinay. Naina's husband sitting and talking, the other was Vikram and the last was none other than her soon to be husband. Sitting like a mighty. When she saw her boss.. he was lost. Like completely and the next words he said make her lost too.....

Ok guys. I know this update is boring but I promise that next one will be interesting. I hope Iam not boring you all but these emotions are necessary or you guys won't be connected to the future story. Priya's feelings are most important for this story.

I hope you all liked the update.

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Until then....

Love-Author ❤️


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