Chapter 48

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So a lot of you were confused by the age of the triplets because I said they were three but they still drink out of bottles. They are three and they will be turning 4 very very soon. I got mixed up and instead of bottles I meant like those sippy cup things. So sorry for the confusion.

Anyways, read on :)

Everything was a blur. I don't even remember it.

Do you know that feeling you get? Where you want to cry but you can't? Almost like all your tears are used up? That's how I feel at this exact moment.

I remember whenever me and Ashton got into a fight it would hurt so much but I would always say I was fine. Not because I was, but because I knew it could be worse.

This is the worst. My daughter. My three year old daughter being rushed into the ICU. The place I have been in one too many times.

They wouldn't let me in. I was forced to wait out here while my baby was being examined on. All I need to know is that she is ok!

Ashton came running in as I was biting my thumbnail in frustration. Another one of my many annoying habbits.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"In the ICU" I replied. "They won't let me see her"

"Tell me what exactly happened" he said.

"I.. I don't know" I replied. "I went into the car and tried to talk to her but she wouldn't answer and I turned around and she wouldn't.. Talk or.. Or move.. and I .." I broke down. I started balling in the middle of the hospital. I couldn't stop. All those tears came back. The ame rushing and wouldn't stop. I couldn't stop.

I just sat there with Ashton holding me as I cried and cried and cried.


About right after I stopped crying I told Ashton I wanted to be alone. I walked around the hospital. The whole hospital. Not talking to anyone. I broke down. I wouldn't talk or even bother to listen to anyone. My earphones were in my ears and my music was blasting loudly. I went into the bathroom and in one of the stalls. I sat on the toilet seat and cried.

I wanted to cry so much. I wanted to shrivel up and cry. I wanted to see my baby. I wanted to make sure she is okay. I want to hold her in my arms. I want to make sure she is okay. I want her to be okay.

But I can't. No matter how much I want to and how much I want her to be alright and for her to be happy, I can't. I can't do anything and thats what hurts me the most.

I came out of the stall to see Ashton standing there almost yelling at me. I realized I had my earbuds in and took them out.

"... What is going on?!" He yelled.

"What?" I asked.

"Why are you acting like this?" He said.

"My daughter is in the hospital she might die" I replied.

"You cannot lose it on me!" He yelled. I can't. I have a family. I have kids to raise.

"I.. I am sorry" I said and started crying again.

"This is what I mean!" He said. "You cannot cry at everything and you definitly cannot lose it"

"I can't" I said. "I don't know what to do"

"You need to relax. She will be okay" He said

"You do not know that!" I yelled. We were still in the middle of the bathroom.

"I do!" He said. "When you were balling in here the doctor came out and said that everything was okay they just need to run some tests"

"I need to be in their with her" I said.

"No no one is allowed" he replied.

"Why not she is going to be scared!" I said.

"She is going to be fine relax please" Ashton begged. I crossed my arms and leaned against the door frame of the stall.

"She is ok" Ashton said rubbing my arm. "That is the good thing"

That is the good thing. She is ok. She isn't dying.

"Lets go back" he said and grabbed my hand. I grabbed it back and walked to the waiting room.

Gabriella's POV:

I opened my eyes and saw people in weird robes. Like the people that took care of the babies.

I lifted my head up and felt sick. I tried to get up but the people told me not to. I couldn't hold it any longer.

I threw up.

A lot.

All over the bed I was in, all over the people and all over the floor. It smelt bad.

"S-Sorry" I said while more came out. The people said it was okay and one of them started rubbing my back and held up my hair.

When I finally stopped I felt weird. Like I was lighter. I started to feel dizzy. I looked around while people were shouting things and a bunch of noises from the machine beside me went off. I tried to get up but I fell and everything went black.

Elena's POV:

I satrted to drift asleep when a whole bunch of beeping and yelling started coming from down the hall. In the ICU.

I lifted my head from Ashtons arm and rubbed my eyes as the beeping and yelling got louder. I opened them and saw Gabriella on a gurney being rushed out of the room with oxegyn tube on her mouth. I turned to Ashton and he looked at me. He got up and ran to the nurses.

"What is going on?" I heard him yell. They turned a corner and I couldn't hear them anymore. I got up and ran with them.

When I turned the corner I saw Ashton hitting the wall with his fist. If he hit any harder there could be a hole.

"Ashton calm down what is going on?" I asked grabbing his arm. He breathed in and out pretty rapidly and I was praying that he wasn't hyperventilating.

"She fainted and hit her head. She lost consiousnus and they don't know if she will come back" he said.

 "Wh-What?" I asked letting go of his arm.

"You heard me" he said grabbing his hair and sliding down the wall. "She could die"

He brought his knees to his chest and put his head down. He started crying. This was the second time I have ever seen him cry.

I sat beside him and wrapped my arm around his neck. I started to cry and I laid my head against his. We just sat there crying.

"They said she was ok" I said crying. He didn't even raise his head. I could tell he didn't want to talk. So I just sat beside him. Comforting him.

Even though I was the one who needed it more then anything.


"Mrs. Gomez?" Someone said. I opened my eyes and saw a doctor. I quickly lifted my head which caused me to wince in pain. My neck hurt like hell from falling asleep on Ashton.

"Yes?" I said getting up.

"We got Gabriella back and she is ok. We want to keep her here overnight" he said. I smiled and nodded.

"That is amazing. Is she good like can I see her?" I asked.

"Um well that is the problem" he said.


"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I took a look at the tests she took earlier before she... Hit her head and they aren't good" he said.

"What does it say?" I asked. Ashton soon opened his eyes and looked at me but didn't say anything.

"I am sorry Mrs. Gomez. Gabriella has cancer"

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