Chapter 19

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*two years later*

It's been two years since Hannah took Noah. The investigation was called off a year ago. They think they either died or she took him somewhere out of America.

The girls are older so I drop them off at my moms house before I go to work. Since we kicked out Hannah (crazy bitch) I had to get a job.

I currently work at a restaurant as a waitress. I get a good amount of money, and Ashton works at a business place that I can't pronounce the name of.

But today was a weekend. Which meant I stayed home and Ashton had to work.

"Mommy?" Gabriella asked.


"Me and Ana are hungry" she said.

"Okay we'll go downstairs and get into your seat while I make you some waffles" I replied.

She smiled running to get Ana.

The nursery now only has Ana and Gabriella's bed. We still have hopes of him coming home, so Noah's bed is in the basement.

I got up and went downstairs and put the waffles in the toaster. I set up the tv for the girls to watch as I grabbed their bottles and made them juice.

"Okay girls come on" I said.

"I want to eat in here" Anastasia argued.

"Ana you know the rules now come and sit down!" I replied.

She crossed her arms. "No!" She yelled.

"Anastasia Taylor Gomez, you will eat in the kitchen or you will eat nothing!" I said. She just sat there.

"Okay no break fast for Anastasia today" I said picking up her plate and pretending to throw it out. She ran and held my arm.

"No mommy don't!" She said.

"Are you going to eat at the table?" I asked. She nodded.

"Okay here you go" i said handing her plate to her.

"Thank you" she said sitting on the chair.

I started to put my waffles in the toaster when I heard a crash and crying. I turned and found Gabriella's plate on the floor.

"Oh it's okay honey here just help me pick it up" I said kneeling down. She got off her chair and helped me pick up a few pieces.

I went to throw them out, and when I turned around she was eating the waffles that fell on the floor.

"No no no don't eat them!" I said taking it out of her hand. She grabbed more and started eating them.

"Gabriella Kendall Gomez do NOT eat food off the floor!" I yelled. She continued to eat them. I snatched them out of her hand as she started to jump up and down crying.

"Are you having a temper tantrume? Okay you get a time out!" I yelled. She turned and went into a corner of the room.

My waffles popped out of the toaster as I put syrup on them and sat down next to Ana.

Gabriella turned around slightly to see what I was doing.

"Do you want some more waffles?" I asked. She nodded.

"Okay come sit down" I said giving her my waffles. I decided to have a smoothie anyways.

I put the frozen fruit into the blender as I blended them. Ana and Gabi were focused on the blender, wondering what happened.

Of course after I was done, they wanted to try some, so I filled they're cups.

Then I saw Noah's.

His old blue cup.

I felt a tear as I wiped it away.

I felt this twist in my stomach.

I ran to the washroom and threw up into the toilet.

"Shit!" I muttered.

"Mommy are you okay?" Gabi asked.

"Yes I am fine girls just sit at the table, mommy needs to call daddy" I said. They nodded as they sat down at the table.

I ran upstairs to check the calander.

I was late.

I dialled Ashton's number, waiting for him to respond.

"Ashton?" I asked.

"Yeah what is it?" He asked. Rude.

"Okay so my period was late and I just threw up" I said.

"So?" He asked.

"So???" I replied. It took him a minute before I heard a huge ooooooooooh.

"Wait your pregnant?" He asked.

"Yeah" I said smiling and laughing. He laughed.

"Oh my gosh this is incredible!!" He said laughing.

"I need to go to the pharmacy to get a test to be 1000% positive so I have to go" I said.

"Okay love you!" He said.

I hung up as I went downstairs.

Gabriella and Anastasia were in the living room, with their plates emptied.

"Excuse me ladies, where do we put our dishes?" I asked. They looked at the table and quickly grabbed them and put them away.

"Okay guys we need to get changed, come upstairs" I said holding their hands, just to make sure they don't fall.

Once we got up there, I got Gabriella and Anastasia some jeans and a sweater. I put Ana's blonde hair into a high messy pony, and did Gabriella's dark brown hair into a messy braid. After I was done I let them play for awhile, so I could get changed.

I wore leggings, a muscle tee that said 'good vibes' and a long black cardigan. I started to curl my hair when I heard a bang and some crying. I ran out of the room to see Gabriella on the floor in tears.

"What happened?" I asked. Anastasia started crying because she thought she would get in trouble. Gabriella got up and smacked Ana in the face.

"HEY!" I yelled pulling her away.

"We do not hit in this house do you understand?" I asked her.

"She threw a ball at me" she screamed. I turned and saw a soccer ball across the room.

"And Ana we do not throw stuff in this house either" I said turning to her. She nodded.

"Now go hug and play nice! Mommy needs to get ready" I said getting up. I finished curling my hair as I did my makeup, grabbed my phone and headed out.

"I can buckle myself!" Gabi said.

"Oh can you?" I replied buckling Ana into her seat.

"Yes watch!" She said. She buckled herself.

"You did it good job!" I said hugging her. I sat in the front seat of my truck as we went off.

I first stopped off at the pharmacy, to get the test. After I went to Mcdonalds to get the girls a treat.

"Mommy why are we here?" Anastasia asked.

"Because you were such good girls today, I decided to get you guys a treat" I said.

I opened the door to see someone.

Someone I haven't seen in a long time.

I just froze there.


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