Chapter 18

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Once I got home, I wheeled Gabi into the house and went back outside to get Ana.

"Okay Ana you are going to need to lay down for awhile. So no toys" I said laying her down in her bed.

"Awe why" she asked.

"Because the doctor said" I replied covering her up. Then I had an idea.

"Wait one sec Ana" I said going into my room. I grabbed my iPad, the charger, and a tripod.

I set it up so she could watch whatever show she wanted on Netflix infront of her while charging.

"What show would you like to watch baby?" I asked.

"Dora!" She yelled. I quickly put on Dora while tucking her in.

"If you need anything, call me" I said kissing her head. She was too interested in Dora.

I went back downstairs to see Gabi.

"Hey honey. How's your leg?" I asked.

"It hurts" she said.

"Well how about I put on something for you to watch huh?" I asked. She nodded her head in excitement.

I turned on the TV to see us on the news with the headline "16 year old who gave birth to triplets, ends up going to the hospital, leaving with only two"

"Mommy that's you!!" She said pointing and smiling.

"That is baby." I said. Why would they care about me? Am I the first person to ever be pregnant at sixteen?

It's because I had triplets at sixteen.

I quickly switched it to Blues Clues, then decided to call the hospital to see how my boy was doing.

I dialled the number waiting for a response.

"Hello?" The doctor asked.

"Hey it is Mrs. Gomez. I am just wondering how Noah is doing." I said.

"What are you talking about Mrs. Gomez?" He asked. What?

"Excuse me?"

"You just came in here to pick him up afew minutes ago" he said.

"No I didn't!" I yelled.

"Well a blonde haired lady said you sent her to pick them up for you" he said.

Blonde hair?

It all made sense.


"Sir do you have her name and address?" I asked.

"I do but I am afraid it is confidential" he said.

"You need to tell me because I never sent a blonde lady to pick up my son!" I yelled.

~ ~ ~

I had just finished buckling Ana in the seat when I started my truck and drove off.

I called the police before anything.

"Hello 911 what's your emergency?"

"Hi I am Elena Gomez and my son was just picked up from St. Ross hospital without my concern" I said

"Okay I searched it up... Is your son Noah Gomez?" She asked.

"Yes YES that is my boy!!" I said, tears coming from my eyes.

"Okay so the person who signed him out of the hospital was Hannah Walsh. I will let police go over there right now"

"Thank you so much" I said before hanging up. I needed to call Ashton whether he answered or not.

"Hello?" A women said.

"Hello is Ashton there?" I asked.


"This is his girlfriend" I said.

"Ah I see one moment please" she said. I don't have a fucking moment I need him on the phone NOW!!

"Elena?" He asked.

"Oh my gosh Ashton I have missed you so much !! I don't have a lot of time to talk but Noah needed this special surgery from the accident and I took the girls home first but when I called to ask how he was doing they said that Hannah had picked them up" I said wiping tears.

"Did you call the cops?" He asked.

"Yes. They are on their way to her house" I replied.

"Okay good." He said. "I am coming home today"

"That's great! I don't have a lot of time because I am by her house right now so I need to call you back I'm sorry love you bye" I said hanging up. I turned the corner to her new house that the doctor gave me. It was a condo.

I knocked on the door. Well more like slammed my firsts against it.

"Give me back my son!" I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks.

I heard police sirens as they pulled up.

"Are you Elena Gomez?' They asked.


"We need you to step away as we search the house" they said. I nodded as I went back into my truck with the girls.

"Police!" Anastasia yelled. I laughed.

"Yes honey they are police."

"Where's Noah?" Gabi asked.

"Someone very bad took him. Don't worry we will get him back" I said holding their hands.

One of the police men knocked on the window.

"May I talk to you for a moment?" He asked. I nodded.

"Where is she?" I asked closing the truck door.

"We aren't sure. There is no car in the garage or on the driveway. She could've took off."

"Where could she be? I need my son back!" I yelled.

"We understand that Mrs. Gomez. We have looked up her license plate and put out an Amber Alert for him" he said.

"How long will this take?" I asked.

"Depends. If someone can spot him or her, maybe a week. If they can't, maybe a year. Don't worry Mrs. Gomez. We had a case with a missing child that lasted for 5 years, and they found him" he reassured me. I nodded.

"Thank you officer" I said.

"Take this card in case you have any questions" he said giving me a card with his name, email and number on it. I smiled.

"Thank you" I said before going back into my truck and heading home.

I need my boy back, I thought.

I need him now.


I just found out I have 1k reads! OMFG thanks you guys!!

I am going to update this more often now as well as my other story 'Being His Kid'. Please, if you have time, go check it out!!

Thank y'all enough. I cannot believe I have 1K views :)

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