Chapter 51

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Its been 7 months. The sextuplets are such a handful. In the morning Ashton is at work from 6 till 8. Then when I get up I have to grab all the kids and bring them downstairs into this amazing table Ashton bought that has little seats installed that sits all six of them. I grab all the kids and put them in their seats one by one. After that I wake up the triplets and they entertain the little kids while I am cooking breakfast. Then I pour some for the triplets and they eat at their table and then I spoon feed the little ones. After that I grab the little ones and get the triplets to put all the dishes in the sink. I put the babies into the living room (we have baby gates) and get the triplets to watch them for a bit while I attempt to eat some breakfast. After that I grab clothes for the triplets and get them to change while I change all the kids diapers and put on their clothes. I do the girls hair and let them run around the living room. They are getting big.

The triplets turned four two months ago in October. They help out so much. But when they melt down it is the worst. Especially when Ashton isn't here. 

"Mommy Lexis is starting to walk!" Gabi said. I ran over and saw Alexis start walking. Everyone else started a long time ago so we have been waiting for her to start.

She took three steps and then fell over and started crying. Everyone clapped and I ran to pick her up.

"Good job my baby girl" I said kissing her. Her cries turned softer and I started rocking her around.

"Ouch Connor!" Ana yelled. She grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him. He started screaming. 

"Anstasia Gomez upstairs NOW!" I yelled. 

"Mommy he was pulling my hai-"

"I do not care you don't push your brother!" I said putting Alexis down and picking up Connor. Ana started wailing but wouldn't move.

"Upstairs NOW Anastacia!" I yelled. She wouldn't move and continued to cry.

"That is it!" I yelled. I had to put Connor down even tho he was crying and I grabbed Ana by the arms while she kicked and screams. I opened her door and dropped her in her room.

"Do NOT come back downstairs until you learn to BEHAVE!" I yelled. 

"I WANT DADDYYYY!" She sobbed as I slammed her door shut. 

I want him too, I thought.

I ran back downstairs and picked up Connor again and started rocking him back and forth until he was finally done crying. I sat on the couch with the triplets and realized how hard this is.

I mean I always knew it is going to be hard. Triplets were hard. I knew this was going to be even harder. But to be alone while doing this is too much. I need Ashton. But he can't stay home also. We need the money.

But it is all worth it. All of them are so great.

Noah. He is the sweetest kid ever. He is so independent. If you wonder where Noah is, he is playing by himself in the corner. His smile is the best. So wide and bright. 

Gabriella. She is sweet and so beautiful. She took Ashtons Brown hair. She looks just like him. She is really quiet but helps out so much. She helps with the kids and likes to keep them in order but is very laid back. 

Anastasia. She took my bright blonde hair. Except now mine is a dirty blonde. She is so sweet but when the kids do something she will push them. She takes her anger out on them which I do not like. But she loves them. Every night she tells me how happy she is that she has lots of brothers and sisters.

And the sextuplets are amazingly sweet and funny and all have the best smile. Ashton says they get it from me but I swear it is his.

"Mommy they keep pulling my hair!" Gabriella screams. 

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