Chapter 11

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*7 months later*

I woke up on the floor. 

On my stomach.

I screamed and sat up.

"What happened?" Ashton asked me. Hannah came running in.

"I.. I woke up on my.. my stomach!! The baby could be dead!!!" I cried. I started to feel dizzy. I looked around which made it worse.

"Baby? ELENA!!!" He yelled. That was all I remember before I blacked out.

Ashton's POV:

Elena fell on the floor again.

On her stomach.

"Hannah pick her up I am going to call an ambulance" I said walking away. 

My hands were shaking as I dialed 911.

"Hello?" I yelled.

"Hello this is 911 what is your emergancy?" They asked.

"My girlfriend, she is pregnant.. She said she woke up on the floor on her stomach... She just dropped again I dont know if she fainted or what but I need an ambulance ASAP" I yelled.

"Okay there should be an ambulance quickly" She responded before hanging up. I helped Hannah bring Elena downstairs before I grabbed Elena's phone and called her mom.


"Hey Mrs. Gomez so uh Elena woke up today and she started crying because she fell on her stomach and then she fainted again on her stomach so I called the police and they are on there way so I think you should come too we are going to St. Alexander hostpital"

"I will be on my way" She said before hanging up. I went downstairs and heard the ambulance.

I opened the door as they rushed in with a gurney. They picked her up and took her into the ambulance. Me and Hannah got into my car and followed.

(Back to Elena's POV:)

I woke up in a hospital chair. I had wires all around me and I did not know what the hell was going on. I looked around and saw my mom with Savannah, Hannah, and Ashton.

"Oh baby" My mother said hugging me. 

"Wha... Whats going on?" I cried.

"Well.. You have epilepsy and you just had a minor little sizure. You are fine now but they want to keep you here until the baby arives to make sure it is okay"

"WHAT?!? I cannot stay here for TWO MONTHS ARE YOU CRAZY?" I cried.

"The doctors say it will only be 6 weeks. They think yoour baby might show up earlier than expected." She reassured me. I sighed.

I sunk back into the bed and thought about everything. I cannot BELIVE this!

6 weeks HERE?!?! 

No way! I cannot stay here! Someone needs to get my my laptop and ipad and cell phone and headphones. I need my life back.

If I didnt get pregnant on prom night NONE of this would have happened. NONE!

I feel back asleep in my own thoughts...


Quick little chapter before the BIG pregnancy :D 

There is a huge twist that I am dying to share and I can't wait till you guys see it.

16 and Pregnant **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now