Chapter 5

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"A... A what?" Hannah stuttered.

"A pregnancy test" I repeated.

"Why? Who have you had sex with?" Hannah asked.

"On prom night.. Me and Ashton kind of... Yeah and I dont know if he used protection" I repleid.

"Umm.. Well.. okay.. Sure lets get out of here" Hannah said. 

We walked out of the bathroom to see a concerned Ashton waiting.

"Babe are you okay?" Ashton asked.

"Uh yeah.. but Hannah is taking me home.. I dont feel that good" I said.

"Okay babe. Ill see you later than?" He asked.

"For sure!! Bye I love you" I said waving.

"Love you too!" He yelled back. I went back to my locker to grab my phone and bag, then left.


"That will be $5 please" the check out lady asked. I handed her a $10.

"Keep the change!" I said smiling to the old lady. She gave me a huge smile back as I left. I hoped into Hannahs truck.

"So you got it?" She asked.

"Yeah.. Just drive me home!" I said. She nodded and drove to my house.


"Do you want me to come in or..?" Hannah asked.

"No I will just be a second" I said hopping out. I opened the front door slightly to make sure no one was home. Luckly no one was.

I ran inside and into the bathroom. I slammed the door shut. 

I stared at the package infront of me. How the fuck do you do this shit? I thought. I opened the box to find instructions. Theres like a fucking manual for this shit. I quickly figured out how to and did what it told me.

(Five minutes later)

I threw the pregnancy test into my bag so my parents wouldnt find it. I walked outside and into Hannah's car again.

"So?!?!" She asked.

"I... It... It was.. Posotive.." I stuttered, tears streaming down my face.

"Oh my gosh!" Hannah said hugging me. I just sat there.

"I.. I cant handle this!! I cant have a baby?!?!" I screamed.

"Shhh its okay!! You have me and Ashton!" Hannah said stroking my hair. We sat in the car for what seemed like hours. 

"So. What do you want to do?" She asked.

"I dont even know.. I need to tell Ashton though" I said.

"Yeah.. Do you want to call him right now?" She asked.

"Yeah... Just come in" I said getting out of her car. She followed as I opened my front door. I ran into my room as she followed. I closed my door and sat on my bed.. Crying.

"Honey.. Call Ashton" She said. I sighed. I knew i had to one way or another. I sat up and dialed his number. Straight to voicemail. Damn his phone is turned off. 

"Um hey its me can you come over at some time today? I really need to talk to you!" I said. hanging up. All I could do was wait.


(Two hours later)


That was the doorbell. I looked at Hannah. I ran downstairs to see Ashton.

Well it was about fucking time.

"Hey baby whats wrong?" Ashton said coming in.

"Well.. You might want to sit down." I said. He sat down next to me.

"So.. Uh... There is no easy way to say this but... Im... Im pregnant" I stuttered.

"What?" He said.

"Im pregnant" I repeated. He froze. He put his head in his hands. 

"How... How are we going to deal with this??" He asked.

"I.. I dont know..." I replied.

"No.. We... I mean you will get an abortion" He said.

"Um excuse me? Its my desision too!" I said standing up.

"What other choice is there Elena? We cant keep it!" He said standing up also.

"And why not? I already have money saved into my bank account. I can afford to move out if I wanted to! Ashton you cant make the desision by yourself" I said.

"Well.. I have money too... We could put our money together to get an apartment or small house and save money for the baby.." He said.

"Yeah... But when?" I asked.

"Whenever you want to baby" He said.

"What about now?" I asked.

"Now?!?! I dont know... I need to tell my parents... But they dont give a shit... What about your parents?" He asked.

"I really dont want to go through telling them... Ill... I will leave a note..." I said. I ran upstairs to see Hannah. I ran to my desk and wrote them a note:

Dear Mom and Dad,

Im sorry but i have made a mistake.. A terrible one.. And it is going to change my life forever. I am pregnant. It is Ashton Manderson's child. I am using my money and Ashtons to by a house or apartment. I thank you for everything. I love you guys so much. You were the best parents ever and I can never EVER repay you for everything you did for  me. I love you. Hoepfully when I am older, my child will see their amazing grandparents. I am sorry that I have disapointed you. I love you.

Love Elena

Hannah read the note over my shoulder. 

"Elena, you need to find a house and buy it first!" She stated.

"Thats what we are doing now. You can come if you like" I said slipping the note into my purse. I porbably wont be moving for at least a week. 

"Okay" she said. We walked downstairs into Ashton's car. Hannah followed behind in her car. 

I guess my life isnt so perfect anymore.



So... What do you think?

Dont worry. They wont move for awhile.

But what will Elena's foster parents say?

Well find out...

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