Chapter 65

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"E-Elena?" She said. I stood up slowly and looked at her. She started coughing and looking around. 

"W-What is going on?" She asked. "What happened to m-me?" 

"You were in a c-" Suddenly a nurse came in. "You are not supposed to be in here!" she said. I gulped. She pushed past me. 

"Here you go sweety" she said handing her water. Savannah drank it and instantly spit it up. 

"What the fuck is this?" She yelled. I was shocked from what she just said. The nurse sighed.

"It is medicine darling" she said.

"I don't want it" 

"You need it"

"Well to fucking bad" she replied. I laughed and the nurse gave me a glare. 

"You can either get an infection in your lungs or drink this which one?" She asked. Savannah rolled her eyes and drank the rest, spilling some on her hospital gown.

"That's what I thought" she said, grabbing a napkin and wiping her chin and gown. She grabbed the cup and left the room. 

"Wait" I called out. I ran out of the door to the nurse.

"What is it young lady you aren't supposed to be in here so make it quick" she said.

"Why is she swearing? She is never like this" I said. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"In the car accident some of the windshield glass got stuck in her head. It went a little far, not causing permanent damage but damaging a small piece of her brain that causes her to filter what she says. She will be saying things out of the ordinary for awhile but she will be ok" she said. I nodded. Something beeped and she walked away.

I opened the door back to Savannah's room and saw her trying to stand up.

"Savannah!" I yelled. I ran up to her. "You aren't supposed to get up"

"I will do whatever the fuck I want" she said. She suddenly screamed in pain.

"Savannah please sit down" I said. She was slowly walking towards the bathroom. 

"No Elena stop it" she said. "I have to piss and you can't stop me!"

I wanted to laugh but I was so scared for her hurting herself I chose not to. 

"These fucking things are in the way" she said referring to the tubes connected to her. She suddenly went to grab them and rip them off.

"NO!" I yelled and ran over to her pushing her hand off.

"Bitch!" She screamed and with all her might pushed me to the ground. She then screamed in pain because of her wrist. 

Nurses came shuffling in trying to get her on the bed.

"You aren't supposed to be in here!" A nurse yelled. "OUT!" 

I quickly scrambled to my feet and walked out the door. I took one last glance back and saw them struggle to get her to sit down. 

I left the ICU and took off the nurse uniform and put it back where I found it. Suddenly my phone was vibrating. I looked down into my pocket and grabbed my phone.

It was Ashton.

"Hello?" I asked.

"When are you coming home!?" He yelled. 

"Ashton my sister is in the hospital!" I said. "I am staying here as long as I can"

"You are leaving me here with the kids? I can't take time off work and the show isn't filming because of this!" He yelled. I heard the kids crying and I knew I needed to go home. 

"Stop yelling at me!" I screamed. "I am coming home!" 

I opened the door to the stairway and ran down. When I opened the door, millions of cameras were there. Everywhere! 

"What happened to your sister?" One asked.

"Is she an alcoholic?" Another asked.

"Are you and Ashton divorcing?" 

"Did you abuse your daughter?" 

Accusation over accusation. I was done. I managed to push past them and I ran to my car. I pulled out of the driveway and went home.


I pulled into the driveway and was already scared for what I was about to face. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I slowly walked inside and opened the front door.

Toys were everywhere. Since it was late, the kids were asleep. I saw Ashton sitting at the table looking pissed.

"Where is Amy?" I asked.

"She went to work. She couldn't handle the stress" he said. I closed the front door and walked in.

"Ashton im sorry" I said. "I didn't know it would be like this" 

"Well you didn't think of anyone other then yourself" he said shaking his head. 

"Excuse me? I was at the hospital with my dying sister and you have the nerve to say that to me?" I asked.

"Well come on Elena! You left me here with all the damn kids! ALONE! I couldn't deal with it! I almost wanted to leave! I swear you were just trying to find an excuse!"

"This is what I deal with everyday and I manage! Why can't you?" I yelled. He slamed his fist into the table and stood up.

"Because I have a job Elena I have to care for this family we can't rely on a TV show for everything in our lives!"

"You wanted the TV show I NEVER DID" I yelled walking towards him.

"I never asked to be a dad! I never wanted this! I was forced into it!" 

"Forced? I forced you?" I asked.

"Well I didn't do it willingly" he said. I hit a breaking point. 

"Fuck you!" I spat as tears streamed down my face. He shook his head and walked upstairs. I punched the wall and grabbed a pillow off the couch and screamed into it.

I screamed, I cried, for what seemed like hours and Ashton just went upstairs? I couldn't stop crying. I was hysterical. 

My phone viberated and it was an unknown number. I didn't want to answer it but something told me I needed to.

"He-Hello?" I asked as I was still sobbing.

"This is Savannah Gomez' nurse at the St. John hospital. We need you to come down here right away" She said.

"It is an emergancy"

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