Chapter 36

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Ashton's POV:

"You hurt yourself pretty bad" The nurse said, putting something on my nose to keep it in place.

"I am fine can I go see my girlfriend now?" I snapped. I know she saw and I know she is pissed but I was just protecting her.

Was I though?

I punched someone right in front of my kids. I had a full on brawl with the guy but he was just talking trash about her.

Then again why were they here giving flowers to someone who hates them?

Maybe I was protecting her. They could've hurt her, physically and verbally. 

"You can't right now. You are going to have to stay in here overnight" she said. Why? I just broke my nose? What is the big deal?

"I feel fine and I am. I can't stay here" I said.

"Oh and why not?" She asked.

"Because I have kids" I replied. She finished putting the cast or whatever she put on my nose and now she was weting a cloth to clean up the blood on my knuckles that were now cut and bruised.

"Kids? At your age?" She asked putting the burning hot cloth on my knuckle. I winced in pain but quickly recovered.

"Yes. Nine" I said. She stared at me.

"You have to be joking?" I shook my head. "You are the teens who had triplets? Your girlfriend just had six kids!"

"Yep what about it?" I asked.

"You guys are like famous!" She said.

"No, not really. We don't have our own reality show or anything" I replied. It is because of the fugly duo that our name is even in the news.

"Well there is a lot of information about you that is leaked" she said. She finished my first knuckle and started on the second.

"Like what?" I asked interested. They couldn't have that much information about me. I haven't even seen paparazzi.

"Well like that you got in a car accident and one of your kids got kidnapped. That you guys did it on prom night. That you are moving" she said.

"That isn't even interesting news" I replied.

"Well others seemed to like it" she replied. I shrugged. I personally don't give a damn.

"Okay you can walk around but you should stay here over night. I won't make you but you should" she said.

"I am not. I am going to see my wife" I replied. "Girlfriend"

She is my girlfriend.

I got up and walked out of the room. I avoided the waiting room and went straight for Elena's room.

"He isn't who I thought he was" She said. What?

I walked closer to the door but stayed by the wall. Who is she talking about?

"Elena if you leave him he will be devastated. He loves you and your kids!" Her mom said.

"Then why did he fight them?" She asked.

"He was trying to protect you!"

"Why does everyone treat my like a baby? I do NOT need to be protected! I am a grown women who can sure as hell talk with someone and have a conversation unlike him who just starts fights with people!"

She is right. She always is.

"Don't make a mistake you will regret for the rest of your life!" Her mother yelled. I could see Elena rolling her eyes now.

"This is what I am talking about. You guys telling me what to do! I am not a child and definitely do NOT need to be protected!" She yelled.

"Elena please just think of this. Think of your kids! They will be asking about daddy all the time. Do you really want to go through that? Please just take time to think about this" she said. That was my que to walk in.

"Hey" I said startling her. Her arms were crossed and her belly was still big. She was sitting in her bed still looking beautiful.

"Hey" she replied looking at the floor. I stared at her mother.

"I uh will be in the waiting room. C'mon kids" she said. I saw my kids running towards them. They were here? Did they hear them?

"Hey" I repeated, sitting down across from her. This time she didn't answer.

"Elena please look at me" I said.

She stared down for a few more seconds.

"Why did you do that?" She asked her voice breaking. I saw a tear land directly on the floor.

"He was saying things.. I thought he was going to hurt you"

"You scared them" she said. "You scared the kids. You shouldn't have done that in front of them"

"I know and I am sorry" I said grabbing her hand. She pulled away.

"You could've got hurt" she said.

"Don't worry about me!" I said.

"Then don't worry about me" she replied, her head still down. She lifted up her arm to wipe away the tears that were falling.

"I am sorry. I don't know what else to say" I said truthfully. I heard her sniffle a few times.

"Can I be honest with you?" I asked.

Elena's POV:

"Okay" I said keeping my head down. I won't let him see me cry. Not today.

"Elena, when you were having our kids, you looked beautiful. Even with your madded hair and your gritted teeth you looked gorgeous. I feel like a better person when I am around you. You make me happy. You are amazing. You can take care of these kids on a tight budget and you are constantly loving. You loved me when I hurt you. When my anger got the best of me. You are the one I love. So.." He got up from his chair. I lifted my head to see him kneeling on the ground.

"Will you marry me?"

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