Chapter 7

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I drove up to the driveway of my new house. My eyes were red and puffy from me crying.

I opened my truck door and grabbed my matress. I unlocked the door to my house and plopped the matress down. I grabbed all my boxes and did the same. I sat down on my matress and waited.

I started to feel the sickness again. I ran into the bathroom and threw up. I threw up everything until there was nothing left. I flushed it up and walked back to my pile of stuff. I layed on my matress until I drifted askeep.

(10min later)

"Elena? ELENA!! WAKE UP!!" Hannah screamed. I jumped up and saw Ashton sitting on his matress and Hannah pulling her stuff in. I groaned and got up.

"So we have to pick rooms and keep one for the baby" Hannah said.

"Well we only have three bedrooms so the smallest will be the childs" I replied.

"Yeah and I think you and Ashton should have the biggest room" Hannah said. I looked back at Ashton and he agreed. 

"Yeah so until we can buy the furniture, we have to just sleep with our matress' on the floor" Ashton said getting up. I agreed.

"Hannah, you should get the second biggest room" I replied.

"Well no shit what other room would I get?" She said laughing. 

I walked upstairs to try and find the rooms. I went to the left and found the smallest room. It had little shelves in the corner and a small closet.

I turned and found the bathroom. Right beside it was gonna be Hannah's bedroom. It had a walk in closet, and was huge. 

I walked into the room next to it. I found a walk in closet. Right beside was a bathroom with a shower and a bathtub. The bedroom was twice as big as Hannah's. 

"So I found the rooms" I said heading downstairs. 

"The baby's is on the left, Hannah's is right beside the bathroom, Ashtons and mine are right beside Hannah's." I said. 

"Well lets do this shit!!" Hannah said grabbing her matress. I agreed.

I grabbed my matress and headed upstairs behind Hannah. 

"THIS FUCKING THING IS HEAVY!!" Hannah said hauling it upstairs. I agreed. 

"Shit, dont drop it Hannah" I said. Hannah made a few grunting noises before reaching the top. She quickly found her room and plopped it down.

"Hannah help please?!?!" I said.

"Right" She replied. She helped me carry it upstairs and into my bedroom. Ashton got his up in no time and plopped it down beside mine.

"Awwww" Hannah said.

"Comon lets get our stuff" I said.


I finished up my/Ashtons room as he was downstairs ordering pizza. I finished putting the bedding on and decided to have a shower. 

I grabbed a black crop top that said "Obey" on the front with some plain black shorts. I went in the bathroom and locked the door. I stripped down and turned on the water.

(15min later)

I jumped out of the shower and put on my pajamas. I blew dry my hair and went downstairs.

"Pizzas here!!" Ashton yelled. i saw him with some pop and Pizza. I went downstairs and sat on the counter in our kitchen. 

"We need to get furniture SOON!" I said.

"Yeah but when.. I mean idk about you Elena but Im going to school" Hannah said.

"Me too" Ashton replied.

"Well... Im gonna do homeschooling. I have my macbook so I can stay home and watch the baby while doing school work." I replied.

"Well... Thats a good idea I guess.. When will you start?" Ashton asked.

"Probably tomorrow" I said taking a bite of my pizza.

"Well... Since it is my child too I will do homeschooling also" He said.

"Really?" I said with my mouth full.

"Ha yeah" he laughed. I jumped up and hugged him. 

"Thank you" I whispered.

"Your welcome" he replied.

"Well maybe I should too" Hannah said.

"Really? That'd be awesome" I replied.

"We will be... The... The homeschoolers!!!" Hannah said putting her pizza in the air. Me and Ashton put ours there too. 

Maybe my life isnt so bad.

(5min later)

"Well.. im gonna go upstairs for awhile.. Maybe just settle in" I said.

"Okay baby" Ashton replied.

I walked upstairs into our room. Boxes were everywhere. I groaned and picked one up. A picture fell out. I picked it up and saw Mackenzie and Brandon. They were playing at a park. I felt a tear. And another. And another. I thought about my family. Shit. They are probably trying to phone me.

I ran onto the other side of the room and grabbed my phone. Sure enough, my mom was calling me now.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Oh my gosh Elena where are you? We miss you so much! Are you okay?!?" 

"Mom im fine.. Ive made a mistake but i have moved into a house with Hannah and Ashton. I dont want to put this on you and im sorry I disapointed you."

"Elena? We are not disapointed just... Confused of why you would do that. We love you.. And if you want to stay there, you can always come and visit. I would love to meet your baby"

I was shocked. My strict mom was okay with this?

"Yeah for sure!! I love you mom!!" I said.

"Love you to baby"

"Uh mom?"


"Will you come to my first altra sound?" I asked.

"Thats not for awhile honey"

"I know but I want you there with me"

"Of course!! I love you!!" 

I pressed End.

My life is perfect. 

16 and Pregnant **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now