Chapter 60

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As I watched my mother walk out of the house I put Alexis back down in the living room. The noise level was at an ultimate high. I needed a break. 

I walked downstairs to the basement to see how Savannah was doing. It was cold and full of packed boxes.

"Savannah?" I asked. 

"Over here" she said. I walked over and saw her changing Aiden's diaper. 

"Mom is gone. I kicked her out. You can come back upstairs. It is loud but I want you to" I said. She smiled.

"I think I am just going to stay down here for today. It is too hot for me anyways. Plus we still have more boxes to pack" she said gesturing to the random crap in the corner. I took a seat on one of the boxes.

"Do you regret it?" I asked. She raised her eyebrow at me. "Regret telling mom" 

She took a deep breath. "Sometimes. But I guess it helped me see her true colors" she said. I nodded. I heard a huge bang upstairs and instantly there was screaming. I looked at Savannah and ran upstairs. 

I opened the door and hit Ryan. "Oops sorry" I said and ran over to the living room. There I saw Liam crying with blood coming from his forehead. 

"Oh my god" I said and ran over to Ashton, who was holding him. 

"Here, I will go get a bandage" he said giving me Liam. I tried rocking him back and forth to stop him from crying but he continued to ball.

"Here" Ashton said taking him and cleaning up his cut. 

"Elena" I heard. I turned around and saw my dad. 

"Yeah?" I asked. 

"Why did you make your mother leave?" He asked.

"She was treating Savannah badly and I wont let her treat her like that" I said. 

"I don't care. She is trying" he said.

"No she isn't" I said raising my voice.

"Yes she is. We are still your parents we can not let you behave like this" he said.

"You don't own me" I said. "I am 22 now"

"You are still our daughter" he said.

"Not biologically" I said.

He took a big sigh. "We raised you" he said. "Your biological mother... She was an unfit parent. Pregnant at 16 with twins... dating her highschool sweet heart.. She was a reck"

"So I am wreck?" I asked. "I mean I was pregnant at 16 with triplets, I had sextuplets and im pregnant again with my highschool sweet heart. So I am a wreck?" 

"Elena.." he said.

"What dad?" I asked and suddenly noticed the cameras around us. I totally forgot. "I am an unfit parent? I am a wreck? What else am I? A slut?" 

"Elena Gomez!" He yelled. "You are none of those things. You are strong, you are beautiful and you are an amazing daughter. I am lucky to have raised you. That fact that you think I think these things.. It is baffling. Your mother was pregnant at 16 and had twins. She was a wreck. She had no money, wasn't living in a stable condition. She wanted to give you up. She thought it was best for you. You are not her." He said. I was taken aback. Everyone was around us, staring. He looked around and walked out. I looked around and just went upstairs to my bedroom. 


Sorry for the shitty chapter. I know it sucks. I am having HUGE writers block. If you guys have suggestions comment them here please. I will look for more inspiration lol.

Also go check out my other story 'The Diary'. I am liking it so much. I would love if you guys did too. 

16 and Pregnant **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now