Chapter 66

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I stared at myself in the mirror. My black dress and leggings along with high heels. The dress complemented my body and made me look thinner then I felt. It made me look like a teen. It made me look young.

But today I wasn't focused on that. Today I didn't care if the dress was three times as big as I was. 

Today was about something much more.

"Guys hurry up" Ashton called. I could see him through the mirror. He didn't look at me the way he used to. He didn't talk to me the way he used to.

He didn't love me the way he used to.

"Coming" Gabriella said. She came down in the exact same thing I was wearing. Her thick brown hair was tied back into a pony tail along with Anna's. They both looked gorgeous on such a sad day.

"Okay let's get our shoes on we are already running late" Ashton said. He looked at me again through the mirror. Staring at my body. It wasn't the same loving stare. It was a stare that hurt me every single day. Knowing he no longer looks at me that way.

Knowing I am no longer beautiful in his eyes.

I broke myself out of my thoughts and turned around.

"Ok guys let's go" I said, my voice sounding dead. I had been crying for several days straight so I didn't expect it to sound differently. I gave a fake smile to the girls and Noah as I grabbed my purse. 

"Lets go"


We pulled up to the depressing lot that held many bodies. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, preparing for what was going to happen.

I got out of the car and grabbed the triplets out. 

"Okay guys today isn't a very happy day for your mother" Ashton whispered to them when they got out of the car. "I don't want any arguing got it?"

The whispered a sad yes.

"Good" he said. "Now lets go see grandma and grandpa" 

We walked through the straight paths until we saw the group of people gathered around the black coffin.

"Hey Elena" I heard. I turned around and saw Cara. I could tell she had been crying as have I. I ran up to her and hugged her hard. She hugged back as we sobbed on each other's shoulders.

"I miss her" Cara cried.

"I do to" I responded as we both kept sobbing.


"We are gathered here today to remember Savannah Gomez" the priest said. I was half paying attention and half wanting to cry. I was leaning against Ashton as he had his arm around me. I knew this didn't mean anything.

I just wanted to be in his arms.

The priest kept talking and talking as I heard people cry. I wanted to stay strong but inside I was falling apart.

"We have a few Eulogy's prepared. Elena Gomez would like to say a few words" he said.

I slowly walked up towards her coffin. I knew people were staring at me. But not because I was her sister. Because I was the daughter who had 13 kids and dishonored her family. 

I slowly pulled out the piece of paper from my pocket.

"Savannah was one of the best people I had ever met"


The entire car ride home I wanted to crawl into a hole and cry. I have been doing that for the past several days since shes passed. But I wanted to do it again.

We pulled into the driveway and I slowly walked out. When I entered the house, 10 kids were all calling me at the same time. I was so upset I just burst out crying right there which made the kids scared.

"Mommy are you okay?" The triplets asked. 

"She is fine" Ashton said walking me to my room.


"You don't have to pretend you love me infront of the kids" I said. "They are going to know soon enough" 

He sighed. I wasnt facing him. I was laying down on the bed facing the wall. All the kids were put to sleep and we paid the neighbors for babysitting them. I had been in my room all day.

"I don't want them to get suspicious" he said.

"Well if they do they'll be right" I replied. "I would rather they know then to have you kiss me and not mean it"

"Well I don't want them to know yet" he said. 

"Well then when are they going to know!?" I asked getting up and facing him. He was pacing back and forth.

"When we are ready" he said.

"I am ready but apparently acting like we still love each other is good enough?" I said.

"God Elena why do we have to do it now?" He asked.

"Don't you realize how much this hurts me?" I asked. "Don't you realize you kissing me and hugging me and touching me and acting like you don't mean it hurt me?" 

"It hurts me to okay?" Ashton yelled. He went to the wall and leaned on it.

"I was so mad when my parents divorced I don't want them to feel the same way" he said. 



So just an FYI Savannah did pass. In the story I skipped past 3 weeks so she died a week after Elena got that phone call. But trust me when this book is finished (yes there will be a sequel and yes I am finishing it soon) there will be a HUGE plot twist im not sure you guys will like. 

Anyways hope you enjoyed. I love you all :) 

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