Chapter 35

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Ashton's POV:

I got up and placed Gabriella on the chair in the same position making sure not to wake her. I walked over to them.

They had flowers in their hands. Pathetic little 'im sorry for being a fuck up best friend' Flowers.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" I asked. Tamara looked at me.

"We came to give these to Elena" she said holding up the flowers.

"Why? You know you ruined everything for her so why would you even bother?" I spat.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Josh said walking closer to me.

"Who are you to come defending her?! The one you CHEATED on with Elena. Let me tell you something. You made a real big mistake cheating on her. She was the best thing of your life and now you are with this?!" I said referring to Tamara. I won't lie, she is gorgeous. She isn't nearly as pretty as Elena and she doesn't have her body figure either. But she isn't ugly.

"You take that back you son of a bitch!" He growled now inches away from me.

"Why should I? I said.

"Elena is a little bitch who isn't even half of what Tamara is! Elena is a little prissy bitch! Now you have those three fuck ups" he spat. I ran up to him and punched him again. hard.

"You don't talk about my kids EVER!" I screamed punching him in the jaw and cheek over and over. I heard a girl scream but I couldn't tell if it was Tamara or Elena. He lifted his hand up and punched me over and over until he was on top of me. He punched me in the nose.


"You broke my nose?!" I yelled. He continued punching as people walked by. I lifted my fist up and connected it with his jaw. He fell to the floor and I got on top of him. I hit him as he struggled to hit me. Nurses and doctors were flooding the place trying to get use to stop.

A nurse lifted me off of him.

 When I turned around my kids were there, almost horrified. My mother looked like a mixture of happy and furious. My father looked fine. I couldn't find Elena's mother in sight. When I looked down the hall I saw Elena. The kids ran up to her and hugged her.

"C'mon kids let's go" she said wheeling away in her wheelchair.

"C'mon let's get you fixed up" the nurse said turning me away.

Taking me away from her.

Elena's POV: (about 28 min before)

Once the nurses assured me that my kids would be fine and I had a glass of water, they let me up to go see my kids.

It hurt to walk so they gave me a wheelchair. I learned how to use it pretty fast and when I went to find the kids, I saw him.

He looked like he was just finished talking to my mother. He went and sat down looking at the kids.

Our kids.

Gabriella has his eyes. The eyes that shimmer when she smiles. Anastacia has his smile. That wonderful, beautiful amazing smile. And Noah.. Well Noah has his everything. His hair, his eyes, is smile, his ears, his nose, everything.

Even if I kicked Ashton out I would still have him. He is in all of my kids. In Gabi's eyes, in Ana's smile and Noah is basically a Mini him. But I don't want to kick him out.

No I don't. Even though he tried to, or did, drug me and slapped me, he is sorry. He realized what he has done. I need him. He is the most loving father I have ever seen. My father, or foster father, was an amazing dad compared to my bitch mom, but Ashton is something more. He.. He loves unconditionally. Even when the kids stuffed a cookie in his PS3 or ripped up his papers for work, he still loves them. He loves him and me.

He loves me.

He loves me so much. He has stayed by my side. When I thought he was a player, he really just cared about me. He needed to have a reputation at school but he cares about me. He spent his money to buy a house with me when we weren't even 18. I was 16 and he was 17, but he stayed by me. We are now 19 and 20 and he is still by me. I love this man and nothing can stop that. He is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I turned around and rolled away back into my room. When I heard yelling.

"We got these for Elena" A women said. Is that..


I turned back around to see Josh inches away from Ashton. This isn't going to end well.

"Elena is a little bitch who isn't even half of what Tamara is! Elena is a little prissy bitch! Now you have those three fuck ups" Josh said pointing to my kids. Oh no he doesn't! I wheeled up there but not faster then Ashton when he punched Josh down.

"ASHTON!" I screamed. Him and Josh ignored me as they continued to fight. Tamara looked terrified along with my kids.

"You need to get out of here!" My mother said. Since when was she standing beside me?

"No I need to help him!" I said. I heard a crack and him screaming in pain.

"There is nothing you can do Elena trust me please!" My mother cried. I turned around and saw nurses trying to pry them off of each other. I sighed in defeat. She was right. I started to wheel away when I heard Noah.

"Mommy?" He asked. I turned around to see Noah standing there looking scared out of his mind. Gabi was leaning against Ashtons moms leg and Ana was leaning against the wall.

"Come here" I said to them opening my arms. They ran in and when I looked up Ashton was staring at me.

"Let's go" I told them. They were all sitting on my lap as I wheeled away.

Maybe I was wrong.

Maybe he isn't the one I want to marry.

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