Chapter 30

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Ashtons parents left shortly after. I was cleaning up the wrapping papaer and stared outside at the caution tape police were putting around the building.

"I can't believe she is dead" I said to myself. I couldn't even imagine that she is dead.

After I finished cleaning up the paper, I went upstairs and layed down on the bed next to Ashton.

"Thanks for helping me" I sarcastically said.

"I think I don't have to help you for awhile" he said referring to my bracelet. He's right.

"We are moving in three weeks" I said. "Shouldn't we start packing?"

"Why? We have three weeks" he said.

"But I am not doing what we did when we moved here" I said.

"And what was that?" He asked.

"Not pack until the last second" I replied. It was much easier though. I just brought my matress and put all my valuables in a box. But now we have furniture. It's harder.

"Your right" he said agreeing to me. I know I am, I thought. I sat up and went into the kids room

When I opened the door they were passed out on the floor. The girls had barbies in their hands and Noah had a car.

I picked them up one by one to put them in their bed, starting with Noah. I picked him up and tucked him in. I tried to grab the car from his grip but he wouldn't let go. I sighed and unravled the girls hands from the barbies and put them in their beds. I clsoed the door and went back to lay down with Ashton.

"We need a layout for the new house" I told him, laying back down in his arms.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"We need to figure out who is going with who" I said. I felt him nod.

"So how do we do that?" He asked. I sat up and went to the desk beside the bed. I grabbed some paper and drew the layout of the house, as best as I remembered it.

"So there are five kids in here" I said pointing to my stomach. "I dont know which are boys and which are girls but if we have three of the same gender and two of the same gender, the three kids can sleep in one room, and the two can sleep in one room. The other kids in there" I said poining to the kids room beside ours. "well I dont know what to do for them. I think the girls can either keep the beds they have or we can get them a bunk bed"

"Well I think that we should get them a bunk bed, they will be more excited and since they wont get the biggest room, they will need more room for their toys and such, so we can get them a bunk bed and Noah can keep his bed. There are 6 bedrooms so with the layout you suggested there will be.. One room left over" he said. "What are we gonna do with that room?"

"Well.." I said smiling. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Well what?" He asked.

"I was thinking we could get a dog.." I said. He opened his mouth to say something but laughter just came out.

"A dog? They need to be trained and we already have enough stuff going on with the EIGHT kids we have!!" He yelled. I sat there.

"Okay your right" I sighed. It was worth a shot. I grew up with a dog, a labrador actually, and they get really big. I had him until we got Mackenzie and Brandon. My mother had to give him up and I was so upset I didn't leave my room for months.

"Im sorry" he said.

"It's fine. You are right they are too much to handle" I said shoving the paper into the desk.

"Why does this keep happening?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Ashton asked.

"Why do I keep having triplets and quadruplets and all of this" I said. "Its like I have fertility treatment"

"Uh yeah.. So what do you want to do today?" Ashton asked changing the subject.

"Ashton what is going on?" I asked.

"Nothing" He said fiddiling with his fingers.


"It is nothing okay! Just drop it!" He snapped.

"Okay. What do you want to do today?" I asked. There is no use in fighting with him.

"Well we could go get the girls bed and start packing" he said. I nodded.

"Okay I will call Marie and see if we can still move in a few weeks" I said grabbing my phone. I dialled her number and she picked up o the second ring.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hey Marie its Elena" I said.

"Oh Elena how are you liking your new house?" What?

"What?" I asked.

"Well you guys have moved in yes?" She said.

"No you said three months, we were moving in in a few weeks" I said confused.

"No hunny I said the 31st, as in the 31st of November" she said.

"That was two weeks ago!" I yelled.

"I am sorry you miss understood bu-"

"I have to go Marie. Bye!" I said hanging up. I threw my phone on the bed in frustration.

"Whats going on?" Ashton asked.

"She said we could move in on the 31st. Of November. Not three months" I said. I started rubbing my temples in frustration.

"Well lets spend this day packing and we can move in the day after tomorrow" he suggested. I agreed.

"Okay well lets get the girls bed and then bring their old one to the dump. We can also get five cribs" I said.



"Two cribs. We saved their old ones remember?"

"Right okay well lets get the kids ready and we will go"

(I just made a new story called 'Celebrity Status' about celebritys like in school and everything but I would really appreciate if you guys would check it out. I am going to upload that one more often because I am not really feeling this book anymore)

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