Chapter 62

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We pulled up to the driveway as I was still wiping away tears. Hopefully I will get over this. 

"They will be fine" Ashton said. "It is just for the morning and we will pick them up at 12"

I sighed. "You're right" I said. "It's just, they have been with me since they were born. It feels weird to have them not here"

"Imagine when the sextuplets leave" he teased. I nudged him and laughed. 

"Shut up" I said. I quickly wiped under my eyes and opened the car door and went to the front door, grabbing my keys. I opened the door and saw no one there.

"Hello?" I called out. I took off my shoes and walked into the kitchen to find the empty bowl of oatmeal washed. I saw clothes on the floor and looked around. 

"Hello?" I called again. Nothing. I walked to the back door and found all the kids laughing and screaming, playing with the sprinkler. I opened the door and saw Cara and Savannah relaxing on the deck.

"Hey" Savannah said. I found the cameras right by her. "The noise level didn't get loud but the sextuplets asked to go play in the sprinkler and I made sure they grabbed their bathing suits and I just let the run" 

I looked and saw all the kids running and laughing. Even the quads were laughing. They tried to run but fell down a few times. They aren't very steady on their feet.

"It's okay" I said pulling up a chair and watching them. "I am glad their having fun"

I watched the kids run in and out of the sprinkler and smiled.

"How was it?" Cara asked. I turned to her.

"Horrible" I said. They laughed. "I sobbed like a baby. I don't know why. I mean even now it is weird to be here and have them.. Not here" 

"Well you have been with them since they were born. I mean it is hard to let go" Savannah said.

"See you get it. Ashton laughed at me" I said.

"That's something I would do to Savannah" Cara said. I laughed. I turned my attention back to the kids and saw Emily and Liam running up to me, crying.

"Oh no what happened?" I asked getting up and going onto the grass.

"Liam hit me!" Emily wailed. I didn't understand why Liam was crying then.

"Emily did you hit Liam back?" I asked. She didn't say anything but cry. I already knew she did.

"Both of you time out now" I said. They cried even louder going to their designated time out corners.

"Ugh and everything was going so well" I said. The camera guys laughed. I laid back enjoying my very little silent moment to relax.

"You guys can stay for dinner. Or come back for dinner. Me and Ashton usually eat after the kids are in bed so their won't be any noise" I said.

"Oh we'd love to but we already have reservations at a resturaunt" Savannah said. I nodded.

"Well maybe another time" I said. "Oh and how is the family?"

I immediatley realized what I had said. "Sorry I totally forgot" I said quickly.

"It is fine" Savannah said. "Um we should get going though. Aiden is acting up and we need to drive him over to Eric's house" 

"Oh okay. Maybe we could hang out this weekend" I suggested. She gave a fake smile. 

"Maybe" she said. I followed her to the front as she put on her shoes. 

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