Chapter 45

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"Where the hell does that asshole live I will beat him up no one talks to my sister like that" Ryan yelled.

"It doesn't matter" I said still in tears. He was with some.. some chick and lied to me about it. After I just had OUR kids.

"He was right" I said. "I did give up on us and I expect too much from him. I want him to do something and when he does it I get mad because he doesn't fight but if he fights then I get mad for not respecting what I want. I am too difficult"

Ryan stayed silent. I know I am right/.

I always am.

"That doesn't give him the right to make you like.. Like this" he said. I was still sitting on the ground crying. I have been like this for over 20 minutes.

I am so pathetic.

I stood up and wiped underneath my eyes.

"Are you okay? We could go find where he is staying and make him come sign the papers" he said. I shook my head.

"No I don't want him to come here if he is forced. Plus Savannah is watching the triplets and I don't want her to stay there for too long. I.. I don't even know where he could be" I said running my hand through my hair.

"Okay um let's go then" he replied. I followed him continuing to wipe underneath my eyes.

"I can't believe he would do this. You.. You guys are engaged. He can't just go around sleeping with other women" Ryan said. I pressed the button for the elevator and waited.

"I don't even know if he was.. Or is sleeping with her I can't just assume stuff, YOU can't just assume stuff" I said running my hand through my hair once again.

"Why are you sticking up for this loser!" He asked crossing his arms.

"Because he is the father of my kids I cannot just let you insult him and be such an asshole to him. I don't even know if he loves me bu-"

"I do" I heard someone say. I turned my head around and saw Ashton stepping out of the elevator.

"What?" I asked.

"I love you" he said again. He then cupped my face with his hands and kissed me.

It.. It felt meaning full. He.. He loves me. He really truly loves me.

"Now lets go get our kids" he said after pulling away. I laughed and wiped the tears that I didn't realized appeared.

Ashtons POV:

"Now lets go get our kids" I said after pulling away from a kiss that should've happened a long time ago. She smiled at me and wiped tears of joy I hoped. I smiled back.

God I have so much explaining to do.

"Hey you can't just come in here, rudely interrupted our conversation and kiss her and think everything is back to normal!" Ryan yelled.

"Ryan stop okay? You have been an ass to him!" Elena said back. He scoffed.

"Weren't you just crying over him two minutes ago!? You are now forgiving him?" He said.

"Ryan go!" She yelled. A few people started staring.

"You two need to take this outside or stop yelling you are disrupting my patients!" A nurse said.

"I am sorry" Elena said. The nurse rolled her eyes and walked away.


"Ryan please just leave" Elena said touching his arm. He rolled his eyes and punched the elevator button.

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