Chapter 29

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I woke up to an ice pack on my cheek and Ashton looking through the windows.

All I could hear were sirens.

"Wh-Whats going on?" I asked. He looked at me startled by my voice.

"Are you okay?" He asked ignoring my question.

"Yeah.. I am fine, what's going on?" I asked.

"I... I am not sure" he replied. I sat up and looked through the blinds. The house across from us had police cars and ambulances.

"What is going on?" I asked. Ashton just stared there. I suddenly saw a blonde headed lady being wheeled out of the house in a gurney.

"Oh my god!" I said opening the door. I ran across the street and went through a bunch of people.

"Mrs, I am going to have to ask you to please stay back" a police officer said.

"Who is that lady?" I asked.

"We are not sure yet. We think it is the lady who kidnapped that son awhile back" He said.

Oh my god.

"That was my son, That is Hannah Walsh!" I yelled. I ran past the police officer and by Hannah.

She had an oxegyn mask on her nose and mouth and was struggling to breath.

"What happened to her?" I asked a officer.

"We aren't sure. We got a call that a gun shoot was heard. We just found her. I don't think she will make it" he said.

No matter how badly she hurt me, I cried. She stood up for me. She helped me when no one was there. She supported me. She hurt me, but I can't see her die.

I ran back to my house and slammed the door behind me.

"What happened?" Ashton asked.

"It was Hannah... She is dead" I said.

"What?" He asked.

"She is dead, well they think she is" I said.

"Wasn't she already dead?" He asked.

"I dont know! I haven't seen this girl in two fucking years" I suprise myself with my harsh words. I don't think I have ever used them against Ashton.

"Jesus i'm sorry" he said going upstairs. I didnt bother to follow him.

I sat on the couch and stared out the window. How could she be dead? I should be laughing right now but a small part of me is upset.

"Okay you should get ready my parents will be here soon" Ashton says opening the door. He is dressed in dress pants, a button down shirt, and his hair is combed. I have never seen him like this.

"Your parents are coming?" I asked.

"Yeah they called an hour ago" he said. I ran upstairs and hurried to get ready. I tied my hair back and put on a white dress I haven't worn in forever.

I haven't worn this dress since the prom.

I went into the kids room and got them dressed nicely. I got Noah dressed in his only nice clothes which were the same as Ashtons, then I got the girls hair curled and put on a pink dress for Ana and a purple one for Gabi.

The doorbell rang as I was finishing up my makeup. Ashton opened the door before I could get downstairs.

"Noah, Ana, Gabi. Grandma and Grandpa are here" Ashton called. They opened the door and ran downstairs. I can't believe they remembered them.

"Awe hey guys" His mother says. Her arms are full of gifts.

"We brought afew things" his dad says. I smiled.

"You really didn't have to. They kids have enough" I say. I feel bad they spent so much money on so many gifts.

"None sense. I am excited to give them these" she says. She sits on the couch and the kids sit on the floor waiting for their presents. I sit on an empty chair across from them.

"Okay so these are for Ana" She said handing her eight boxes with pink wrapping paper.

"And these are for Gabriella" George said handing her eight purple colored boxes.

"And these are for you Noah" His mother said handing eight blue boxes. They opened them right away.

I was in shock. There was trucks and cars everywhere for Noah. I picked up one of them and looked at it.

"This was $100" I said.

"Oh dear did we leave the price tag on?" Carol (Ashtons mother) asked getting up and taking the truck in her hands. I shook my head.

"No there is no price tag but I have seen this in stores" I said. "You didn't have to spend this much"

"Don't worry, really. This makes up for the years we have missed" she said, giving me a grin. I smiled back. She is so loving and caring. Why can't my mom be the same?

The girls opened their presents and of course they were barbie dolls. I grabbed Gabriella's and moved them over so her's wouldn't mix with Ana's.

"Thank you so much. The kids won't say it but I will. This really means a lot" I said. With my job and Ashton's, we don't make enough to go and buy them a lot of toys.

"Please, it is our pleasure. And don't think we forgot about you!" She said. I smiled.

"Yoou didn't have to" I said.

"Please just let us spoil you" she said smiling. I laughed.

She grabbed two boxes with green wrapping on it. One was slightly bigger then the other.

I sat down and opened the smaller box. It was a $50 gift card to Pandora. I gasped.

"I-I can't take this" I said.

"At least open the other box" Carol insisted. I sighed and opened the other box. They better noot have bought me a...

"Pandora Bracelet?" I gasped. It had four charms on it. One was a heart that said "Mom" on it, the other three were two girls and a boy.

"This must have cost you so much!" I said.

"Cost doesn't matter, it is the thought" she said smiling. "We didn't pay for it on our own either" I looked up at Ashton as he shruged.

"You didn't" I said.

"I just told her what would be nice on it" He replied. I was truly shocked. Ashton never get's me anything.

"Thank you" I said staring at this beautiful bracelet.

( I cannot belive I have 20.1K reads on this book! Thank you guys so much :))

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