Chapter 12

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*6 weeks later*

It has been 6 weeks since my sezure. 

I am currently 8 months pregnant and I haven't been in my home in weeks.

Ashton has been so great. He stays here then goes to work, then comes back here. I love him so much.

He was at work right now. I was alone. I grabbed my laptop and decided to do my L.A homework. I got up to get it when I felt something break. I looked down to realize..

My water broke.

I ran to find a nurse. 

"NURSE!!!" I screamed. A nurse can rushing in.

"What happened?" She asked.

"My water... It broke..." I replied. 

"Get in the bed. You are going to feel these pains called contractions. They are going to happen every once in awhile" She said. I couldnt even hear her with how much pain I felt. I screamed very loud.

"Its okay." She said.

"IT IS NOT OKAY! MY BOYFRIEND AND FAMILY ARENT HERE!!! I NEED TO CALL THEM RIGHT NOW!!" I yelled. She passed me my phone. Luckily the pain stopped and I dialed Ashtons number.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Ashton come to the hospital our baby is coming!!" I yelled.

"I will be right there!" 

After I called my mother.

"Mom.. You need to come to the hospital my baby is coming" I cried.

"Honey I will be RIGHT there!!" She said.

I just sat there.. I didnt even know what to do. I didnt feel the pain for much longer. I just waited until Ashton could arrive.

(25 min later)

I waited for Ashton. In that time I had 3 contractions. I started to feel another when I saw him.

"AAAAAAAAAH" I screamed. He ran by my side and held my hand.

"Its gonna be okay... Shhh shhh" He said. I started to feel calmer. I kissed him and smiled.

"Anastacia is coming" I said.

"You mean Gabriella" He corrected.

"I forgot to tell you.. Savannah thought of this amazing name.. Kendall" I replied.

"Kendall... I love it." He said.

I screamed as I felt another contraction. I looked and saw my mother with my whole family. She ran to my side and held my hand. I smiled as I saw everyone. The nurse came rushing in with a big ass needle.

"What.. What are you doing?" I asked.

"Elena, to stop the pain I am going to need you to stand up so I can put this in your back.. It is going to be okay I promise" She assured me. 

I stood up as she stuck the needle in. I screamed but then the pain started to fade... I could still feel it but it did not hurt as much.

"Okay Elena I am going to have to bring you into the delivery room" She said. She wheeled me into another room. It looked much cleaner and nicer. I started to feel more relaxed as I felt another contraction. 

I screamed as loud as I could. 

"Elena, I think it is time" she said. My mom and boyfriend kept holding my hand as the nurse went to do what she does.

"Okay Elena I am going to need you to push" She said. I pushed as hard as I could.

"Okay now again PUSH" She yelled. I pushed again.

"Elena I am going to need you to push as hard as you can PUSH!!" She screamed. This kept repeating and repeating.

(55min later)

I have been pushing for an hour. I couldnt take it anymore. I pushed my hardest until I heard crying. The pain stopped. I kept huffing as I saw them take my beautiful girl away.

"Mom what are they doing?" I asked.

"They are cleaning her up sweety" She said. A few minutes later I felt the pain again. I screamed as a bunch of nurses came back.

"Elena I cannot believe this but you have to push again" she said.

I didnt even care why, I just wanted this pain to stop. I pushed and pushed for another 5min until I heard crying again. I stared at Ashton. 

"Elena dont stop there is one more" She said. I pushed again and finally the pain ended. I heard three babys crying at once.

"Elena Gomez, I have never seen this in all my years, but you have had triplets. I thought you only had one but it turned out to be three. Congrats" She said handing me one of the baby's. She handed my mother the other. 

"Ashton would you like to hold the boy?" She asked. 


"Yes you have two beautiful girls and a boy" she replied. I held one of the girls who's eyes were beautiful.



"I want to name this one Gabriella.. Gabriella Kendall Gomez" I said.

"Thats a beautiful name" he replied. I gave my mother Gabriella and held the other one. She had a beautiful smile.

"This one is Anastacia Taylor Gomez" I announced.

"Can I name the boy?" He asked.

"Of course"

"The boys name is Noah Andrew Gomez" he announced.

I stared at my three baby's.

Noah, Anastacia and Gabriella.

My beautiful kids.


I am sorry this went by so fast!! 

Like the twist?

Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

16 and Pregnant **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now