Chapter 55

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"What?" I asked.

"Its po'"

"I heard" I said. I leaned against the wall for support. "We.. We can't. You know pregnancy tests are wrong all the time. This might be one of those times" I said.

 "Elena" He said.

"It has to be false I can't be pregnant" I said.

"Then go to the doctor tomorrow and ask" he said.

"O..Ok" I replied. I went over to the living room and tidied it up again and also started dinner. This is the only few hours in a day I get that are silent and peaceful.

I decided to make some spaghetti for the kids and some mashed potatoes and peas for the little ones. The doctor said I should start feeding them thing they can start to chew. They are still teething but I think Connor has a lot of teeth. Obviously not all of them but he does have a lot. For me, Ashton and Savannah I put some spring rolls in the oven and tried to make salad. Dinner is the only time I can be creative with dinner.

I started with three pots on the stove. I had water boiling for the spaghetti and another for the mashed potatoes and another for the peas. I put the spring rolls in the oven and started on the salad.

I started to wash the lettuce and then break it off when the baby monitor went off.

"ASHTON!! Can you check the nursery?" I asked. 

"Yup" he replied and ran upstairs to see what was wrong. I finally had enough lettuce in the bowl and started to chop onions when the water for the spaghetti started boiling.  I put in a lot of spaghetti sticks and started to stir  when the oven went off for the spring rolls. I put the spring rolls in and then started cutting up potatos for the mashed potatos and then I new I wouldn't have time for the peas so I just scrapped that idea and took that pot off. I stirred the spaghetti some more when Ashton came down with the babys.

"They haven't finished their nap!" I said.

"It is already 6 we put them down at 1" he said. They actually slept longer then normal. Casually the noise level started going up as each kid came down. Imagine 10...

Or 13..

Or 15...

I can't think of that right now. I saw that the spaghetti was done so I took it out and put the sauce on it. After that was done I continued chopping onions and put them in the lettuce. Then the oven beeped and I took out the spring rolls. Then I started mashing the poataoes and I was finished.

"Ok Guys!" I yelled the triplets came down and I handed them each some Spaghetti. Then I grabbed the little ones and put them in their seats one by and spoon fed them.

"Ashton and Savannah if you want something I made spring rolls" I said and gave a spoon to Emily. After I was done I washed the bowl and with the help of Savannah and Ashton we got them upstairs. Savannah brought them all up, I gave them a bath and Ashton put them in their crib. After that it was the triplets turn and we bathed them and put them to bed.

I went downstairs and re-heated my spring roll when the doorbell rang.

I totally forgot about TLC.

"Shit" I murmured and went to the door. My hair was in a messy bun and I was wearing a worn out sweater and some leggings.

"Hi" I said. "I am Elena and this is Ashton"

"Hi I am Britney the producer and this is Dave one of the camera men" A well dressed lady said. She was wearing a navy blue suit with some black heels and had her hair tied back. She was carrying a binder also.

"Ok come on in. I am sorry I'm not better dressed I just put the kids to bed" I explained.

"No worries I understand" she said walking in. I led her into the kitchen and we all sat down.

"Ok well pretty much we will be coming in for a range between 1-4 days a week. We need one or two days to film and then one day to film the interview. Our manager suggested we ask if for the first one you would like to do a one our special and then start off with the show. Then it is like a pilot. If the viewers don't like it, we shut it down. If they love it, we keep it on" she explained. I turned to Ashton.

"I guess we could try that" I said. Ashton could tell I was nervous and took my hand in his.

"Ok so we need all the kids names" she said.

"Well in the triplets their are Anastacia, Noah and Gabriella. WIth the sextuplets there are Connor, Tristan, Emily, Alexis, Liam, and Abbie" I said. She wrote them all down.

"Ok so we just need to film your every day life pretty much so your morning routine" she said. "It might seem weird to have camera's in your face but you will get used to it"

I nodded. I heard the baby monitor go off. It was Abbie again.

"I apologize" I said and got up to grab it. "I will be right back I am so sorry"

"Please it is alright" she said and smiled. I ran upstairs and went to craddle Abbie. I kissed her face while singing 'Rock a bye baby'. She slowly started to fall asleep and I went back downstairs.

"We were just discussing money" Ashton said.

"Oh ok" I said sitting back in my seat.

"So if we make this a show then you will get $22,500" she said.

"Wait what?" I asked. "22 thousand dollars?"

"Yes" she said.

"Oh my god" I replied. "How much for the one hour special?"

"About 65"

"Thousand?" I asked. She nodded. I stared at Ashton. That is so much money. Ashton barely makes half of that.

"So we discussed salary and the show.. I think we are all good. Oh we need birthdays and ages of the kids. Including birth order."

"Oh um the triplets are 4, their birthday is October 14. Their birth order is Gabriella, Anastacia, and then Noah. The sextuplets were born April 26. They are 7 months old. Their birth order is Connor, Liam, Alexis, Emily, Abbie, and Tristan" I said.

"Ok that is all the infromation I need thank you and I will be here at 6am sharp tomorrow morning" she said closing her binder. She smiled as I let her out the front door.

16 and Pregnant **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now