Chapter 49

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"S-She what?" I asked. 

"I am so sorry" He said folding his folder and putting it under his arm. "We don't know how severe it is yet. It could possibly be terminal but we don't know"

This pain was nothing I had ever experienced before. I felt trapped. My daughter could die. This is honestly the worst pain I had ever felt. 

I started to hyperventilate. I started to wave my hands as if I was hot and I needed air. I started crying and I just fell to the floor and broke down in tears. 

Ashton immediately dropped down with me and started to rub my back as I was curled in a ball. She.. She might not live to see the kids, the little sixtuplets, be three. She might not be able to witness herself being a big sister. She might not make it to the first grade. She might not ever have that feeling of getting a boyfriend or even being at her graduation. She... She could die and the fact that I can't help and that is what kills me the most.

Ashton continued to rub my back while saying "its okay" even though he didn't know if it was or not, or saying "we don't even know if it is terminal or not" which is true. We have no clue. She could live and beat cancer. 

Or she could...

No. She will fight. Dying is not an option.

"Elena please talk to me" Ashton said. I couldn't. I rubbed my eyes with my sleeve and lifted my head.

"It will be okay" he said rubbing my cheek with his thumb. 

"You don't know that" I replied stubbornly. 

"I promise you it will be okay" He said hugging me. I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his shoulder. He pulled away and kissed me on the forehead.

"There isn't any need for tears. She will be okay" he said.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too" he replied. We got up and started to walk into Gabriella's room. I squeezed his hand hard and walked in on the one thing that changed my life and would continue to.


Her face was pale. She had tubes stuck to her arms. She looked terrible. 

I hated it.

"I can't stay here" I told Ashton. "I can't see her like this"

"Me neither" he replied. I turned away and walked out the door. 

"What are we going to do?" He asked. 

"I.. I don't know" I said. I have 8 other kids to worry about. 8 other kids.


I never imagined this. My life, like this. When I was 14 I always imagined going to college and meeting the right guy. Now college is out the door. We barely have enough money for the kids. I can't go to college. Ever. 

And I have 9 kids. Nine. I can't believe this. Nine kids. Well at least I met the right guy.

I hope.

"Treatments are a lot of money" Ashton said breaking my train of thought. "A lot"

"I know" I said running my hand through my hair. "I could ask my paren-"

"No" Ashton said sternly. "We are not borrowing money"

"We don't have a choice" I replied raising my voice a bit too much. "Unless we go deep into our savings, that is our only option"

"I just hate borrowing money" he said.

"It is our only option. My mom might not give it to us..." I said trailing off.

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