Chapter 32

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Ashtons POV:

I stared at the floor. Water was just underneath her.

"Oh my god okay I will call my mom and get her to come here" I said grabbing my phone.

"There's no time!" She said holding her stomach. "Oh my god ow. I forgot how much this fucking hurt!"

I laughed before she gave me an annoyed glare. "I can't wake up the kids" I said.

"Then stay here I will drive myself" she said grabbing her keys off her nightstand.

"No I will wake them up and get them in the car" I replied. "Go and get ready in the car I will be quick"

She nodded and exited the room. I went in the kids room and turned on the light. I instantly heard cries.

"You guys mommy is having a baby, well a few babies but we need to get into the car so mommy can have those babies. Otherwise they might get sick" I explained.

"But why can't you stay here and mommy goes?" Ana asked.

"Because mommy needs you guys there. You guys can sleep when we get there though" I said. "And you only have to get your coats and boots on. You can bring ONE toy each but hurry!"

They got up and picked their toys. I started helping Noah put on his boots.

"This one is mine!" Gabriella yelled. I turned and saw Gabriella yanking on the barbies blonde hair. Ana was yanking on the feet.

"No it is mine!" Ana screamed. I knew my mom shouldn't have bought them barbies. This happens.

"Stop! You both don't get to bring ANYTHING now! Go get your boots on!" I yelled. The stared at me in shock. They dropped the barbie and let it hit the ground as the went to get their boots on. I finished helping Noah and then went downstairs.

"Okay guys go in the van and get your seats buckled" I said. They ran outside as I locked the door. I took the key off and went in the car.

"Took you long enough" She said as I entered. I rolled my eyes at her attitude and closed the door.

"Do you guys have your seats buckled?" I asked.

"No time to ask GO!" Elena screamed at me.

"Oh you want our kids to die?" I asked.

"I am having kids I might die if I am not in the hospital" she said. I turned around to make sure they were buckled and went to the hospital.


A nurse got Elena in a wheelchair and rolled her into a room.

"Elena I am calling my mom to watch the kids" I yelled. She gave me a thumbs up as she went into her room. I stayed in the waiting room with the kids as I called my mom.

"Ashton it i three in the morning" my mothers voice boomed.

"Elena is having the kids. I am here with the triplets right now could you watch them for me please" I pleaded.

"Of course I just need to get dressed and wake up your father and we will be right there" she said. I thanked her and hung up.

"Where is mommy?" Noah asked.

"In a room" I responded. I feel like with everything going on I am going to lash out at one of them and I really don't want to. I pray they dont ask anymore questions until my mom gets here. My prayers are shattered.

"Why is she in the room?" Gabi asked. I try to stay calm. But I can't. If Elena's water wouldn't have broke I would have been back in that shitty motel and if I weren't such a fuck up I wouldn't be here!

"I dont know can you guys just sit down and be quiet?" I snapped. I see water well up in her eyes and I know I have made a terrible mistake.

I got up and picked her up, letting her sit on my knee. Her head buried into my chest the way Elena's does when we cuddle. I pull her close to me as I hear her soft cries.

"Im sorry" I said. She lifted up her little arm and wipped away her tears. She didn't answer me.

"Why don't we go get ice cream while we wait for Grandma?" I asked her. She nodded without looking at me. I put her down and got the rest of the kids and went to the cafateria.

Elenas POV:

"Where is he!" I kept asking myself. I know I told him that I don't want to be around him but I need him now!

I grabbed my phone and called him. It went straight to voicemail. Fuck.

I felt another contraction. I whinced in pain. Why can't this be over.

"Was that another contraction?" The nurse asked. No shit sherlock. I nodded.

"Well your cervix is only at 4 centimeters and it needs to get to 10" she said. I have given birth before bitch I know how this shit works.

I nodded as she left the room. I need my husband!


He is my boyfriend.

And that is all he will ever be.

My heart sinks at the thought. We have been together for 5 years. He has never asked me to marry him, let alone even talk about it. Maybe he never wants to get married. Maybe all I will be to him is the mom of his kids.

I winced in pain as I felt another contracion. I heard foot steps and I sighed in relief. Ashton is here. When I turn my head I don't see Ashton.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked

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