Chapter 61

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//AN// Quick little authors note please read! 

So I am skipping a little bit forward ((By a little bit I mean a lot)) only because I like keeping things interesting and lets face it, this is getting dull. Also thank you for all the suggestions y'all had. I read every one and tried to use them all in this story. I hope you like this and please enjoy :)



I opened my eyes as my phone blared out the most annoying sound I have ever heard in my entire life. I slowly sat up and shut it off.

"Get up Ashton" I said nudging him. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it, seeing all the tweets from last weeks episode. I looked up and saw the camera's and smiled at the camera. The camera crew laughed as I nudged Ashton again.

"Ashton get up!" I said nudging him harder. Nothing.

"Ash-" I was interrupted as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me over to his side of the bed, my phone falling out of my hand.

"Ashton!!" I screamed as he started kissing my neck. I wailed my arms around smiling. When he finally stopped I fell to the floor.

"Good morning" he said getting up. I smiled and got up, grabbing my phone. He walked into the bathroom and I walked into the twin girls room. 

"Who is ready for kindergarten?" I asked. Their eyes instantly opened and they smiled. They got out of bed and went up to hug me. I hugged back.

"Ok guys go put on your outfit with your shoes and grab your bags and bring them downstairs and I will put a snack in it" I said. They nodded and started getting dressed. I am still amazed on how they are 6. It feels like yesterday they were born. 

I walked into Noah's room and he was already dressed.

"Look at my handsome boy" I said. He smiled and hugged me. 

"Ok go bring your bag downstairs while I go into the little kids room and get them ok?" I said. 

"Ok mommy" he said grabbing his bag, walking downstairs. I went into the sextuplet girls room. I split up the sextuplets now that they are getting older. Well, kind of older. 

"Hey girls" I said. The girls room was exactly like Gabi and Ana's room except there was an extra bed which Abbie slept on. Alexis and Emily slept on the bunk bed. 

There heads lifted up slightly and I went over to give them each a kiss on the forehead. This happened every morning. They refused to get up. They are worse than the boys.

"Girls you have to get up" I said. I heard sighs. 

"Fine I am going downstairs to make breakfast. Get up or daddy will have to wake you up" I said. Ashton is usually the 'fun' parent, but he is really strict with waking up early. 

The camera's followed me as I went to the sextuplet boys room. It is the exact same as the girls room. Liam and Connor sleep on the bunk bed and Tristan sleeps on the separate bed. I wish it was like the triplets room where Noah and the girls room was connectd by the bathroom. Oh well.

Of course the second I walked in, they were already up, playing. They are always up early. 

"Good morning" I said. They looked at me and smiled while continuing to play their game. I smiled. Until I saw it.

"Oh NO!" I yelled. They instantly knew what I was talking about. I walked over and saw a little piece of shit on the carpet. What the actual fuck.

"Who went potty on the floor?" I asked. They all stared at me blankly. 

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