Chapter 15

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"I hate you!" I screamed. I looked around and saw darkness.

"I know your their!!" I yelled. I ran into the darkness and found Ashton with the kids in a car. 

Ashton wasn't looking and he drove onto on-coming traffic. 

"ASHTON NO!!!" I screamed as a truck smashed into his car.

I woke up crying with sweat around my face. I looked at the time and knew the kids wouldn't wake up for awhile so I had a shower.

Once I was done I put on some jeans with a crop top. I went into the nursery and saw the kids sleeping. I sighed and went downstairs to make their breakfast.

I turned around and saw Noah rubbing his eyes walking down the stairs.

"Mama?" He said. I smiled and picked him up. 

"Are your sisters awake?" i asked him. He looked upstairs and shook his head. I sighed.

"Do you want breakfast?" I asked.

"Juice!" He yelled.

"Shhh... Dont wake up your sisters" I said. I put him in one of the chairs. He picked up his fork and started eating his waffles. I smiled and went to check on the girls quickly. Gabriella was climbing out of her crib and Anastacia was waking up. I picked up Ana and held Gabi's hand.

I put them in the chairs as they were poking at their waffles.

Once they were finished I put them infront of the tv and put on 'Blue's Clues'. I sat on the couch with my laptop doing my school work when Hannah came down.

"Hey Han" I muttered. 

"Hey..." She  whispered. I glanced at her.

"Han? Is everything okay?" I asked.

"No Elena it isnt! You had to be a bitch and kick Ashton out and now who is gonna pay the bills huh? You sure as hell wont get off your lazy ass too and I am already working!" Hannah yelled. I stared at her. I felt the tears coming down.

"Boo Hoo cry me a river. This is real life Elena not some fairy tale! Just because you were being stupid and got knocked up doesnt mean that your actions dont have consiquences!" She yelled. She went into her room as I sat on the couch and cried.

I heard the doorbell ring and quickly fixed up my makeup. I opened the door in shock. 

"What are you doing here?"

Ashtons POV (45min earlier):

I woke up in a dirty motel. The shower is filled with beetles and the bed looks like it has a pee stain all over it. 

I thought about yesterday. How Elena found my phone when Amber texted. That night I went to Ambers house.


"Amber how COULD YOU! I LOVED HER! We haven't done anything in FORVER and I never want to!" I screamed at her. She just sat there.

"Im sorry your little knocked up bitch couldnt take a joke" She said.

"She isn't a bitch and thanks to you I CAN'T SEE MY KIDS ANYMORE! Amber don't ever talk to me again. Your a bitch and a slut!" I yelled. I ran out of her house and went into my truck. I started crying. The girl I loved, I hurt. I hurt her so much.


I got out of bed and put on some clothes. I got everything I brought with me and went over to my... To her house.

*Back to actual time*

I rang the doorbell.

"One second!" She yelled. I heard her in the washroom. Once she finished she opened the door.

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