Chapter 57

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After I came home and put the kids to bed we all waited for Ashton. I already told him the news. Four more kids. That is crazy.

They wanted to interview us for the one hour special so we were sitting around. I saw the headlights through the window and opened the door for him. He kissed me and we both sat down.

"Ok so we are just going to ask you questions about the pregnancy thing and we need 100% honest answers" she said. We both nodded.

"How was it being 16 and pregnant?" She asked.

"Well, it is hard being 16 alone. You go through break ups, the awkward stages. I always thought that when I am 16 I am going to go party and drink and that never happened. I mean even being sixteen and pregnant is hard but pregnant with triplets? It is 100x harder"

"How did your parents react?" She asked.

"I was terrified to tell my parents. Completly terrified. I didn't want to face them. I told them in the worst way possible. Leaving a note and moving out. We had barely any money and our roommate Hannah" I still shudder at her name "Helped us a lot"

"How did you feel when you found out it was triplets?" She asked.

"Terrified. When The doctor told me to keep pushing I thought the baby must had died or it wasn't fully out. Then I heard three cries" I said laughing.

"So their were stories about your son, Noah? He got kidnapped when he was barely 2. What happened?" I knew this question was going to pop up.

"Ashton was driving one night and lost control of the car. The kids were in it and they were all at the hospital. My roommate, Hannah, came to visit and next I heard, Noah was gone. My heart ached. I would cry for days on end. then two years later they found him on the side of a highway. I was so amazed. I didn't think I would ever see him again" I said wiping tears.

"What happened to Hannah?" She asked.

"They said they thought she might have killed herself and then they found her body a year later"

Everyone stayed silent and I kept wiping tears.

"The crazy thing is anyone could act like you friend. Anyone could lie in your face. But you never thought that the person doing it would be your best friend" I said. Ashton nodded and so did she.

"Do you regret your dicission on keeping the kids and not doing the toher options like Abortion or Adoption?"

"No. I never regret it and I never will" I said.

"How is it to have 9 kids and 4 more on the way?" She asked.

"It is hard. So hard. But I am so happy they are happy and healthy. I mean when you find out you are having triplets or sextuplets or even quadruplets their is no doubt that you know you probably aren't going to end up with all of them. The fact that almost 2 months after my pregnancy with the sextuplets and I got to take them all home? That is the best feeling ever. I never regret having them. I love all of them so much. It is so hard to take care of them but seeing them smile or hearing them laugh is the best feeling ever" I said.

"When do you plan on getting married?" She asked.

"Well" Ashton said. "I already purposed a few months ago and I think we, well I know I want to do this but I would want all the kids to remember it and be their for it"

I nodded. She continued to ask us questions and I continued to answer and then I started to think about all the kids. All the 13 kids.


This house is barely big enough for 9 kids let alone 13.

It was overwhelming to think about it so I tried to push it back but the farther I pushed it back the more it kept coming upp.

16 and Pregnant **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now