Chapter 53

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I turned off the light to the laundry room and went to living room. I sat on the couch and started flipping through the channels. There was nothing good on. Except for Jon and Kate plus 8...

Even though I told Ashton not to take the offer, it still creeps into my mind every now and then. What if we took the offer? We would have so much money. Ashton wouldn't have to work as much. We could do so many things with the kids. But wwe would have the whoe world watching what we were doing 24/7

"Coming up" the tv said. I looked up and it showed Kate crying. "This is one of the hardest episode's ever"

Was this when they got divorced? A commercial for yougurt came on and I was completly intrugued by this show. I knew that they ended up getting divorced. That part is so sad. 

After like 1727 comercials it finally came back on. Kate was having a picnic with the kids. They looked so happy. Like a family.

Then came the crying.

"This is one of the hardest episodes ever" she said. "Parents of multiples have a higher rate for divorce" 

What?! They do? I quickly checked my phone and it was true. Parents of multiples have a way higher chance for divorce then parents with one kid. They seem to have less time for each other.

"Bullshit!" I said and through my phone on the couch. I turned off the tv and layed down to think.

We need the money. We really do. Food and diapers and clothes and wipes and everything isn't cheap. But reality tv ruins families.

I rubbed my head trying to think.

"Are you ok?" I heard Savannah say. I got up and ran my fingers through my blonde hair.

"Yeah I am fine" I said trying to sound ok.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Yup" I said getting up. "There is a couch that opens up to bed in the kid living room of their is an actual spare room downstairs but it is freezing down their" 

"I will take the couch" she said laughing. I laughed too. We went over to the other living room and opened the bed. 

"Here you are. I will go get you some pillows and blankets" I said leaving. I went into one of the closets and opened it when a spider came crawling out.

"AHH!" I screamed and ran back into the living room.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Theres a spider" I said jumping. She looked over the corner and saw it crawling.

"EWWW!" She said and jumped with me.

"ASHTON!" I yelled.

"What is it?" He asked running downstairs.

"There is a spider kill it!" I said.

"Wow" he said rolling his eyes. "Where is it?" He asked.

I looked over and couldn't see it anymore.

"I dont kn-"

"AHH ELENA ITS ON YOUR FOOT!" Savannah screamed I looked down and saw it on my foot.

"OH MY GOD ASHTON KILL IT!" I screamed. He came and smacked a shoe against my foot. I winded in pain.

 "Ow!" I said.

"You wanted me to kill it" he said.

"Yeah but that hurt" I replied sitting down. "Can you go get the pollows for Savannah?"

"Wait what?" He asked. Shit! I forgot to tell him.

"Oh um" I grabbed his arm and went into the kitchen. "My parents kicked her out and I said she can stay here for awhile. Is that ok?"

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