Chapter 14

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*8 months later* 

"Mama!!" Anastacia said. I was cuddling with Ashton while the kids were walking, (well learning how to).

I tilted my head. I saw Anastacia climbing the stairs. 

"ANA!!!" I yelled getting up. I ran up the stairs and grabbed her and brought her back down. I looked around the house and saw Gabriella getting into the garbage. 

"Gabi!" I muttered going over to her. I picked her up and put her beside Noah, who was just sitting there. I laughed and cuddled Ashton some more. 

"Im home!!!" Hannah said, entering the house with grocerys. The kids all looked at her.

"Hey Hannah" I said. 

"Han" Noah muttered. 

I stared at Ashton then Hannah. Hannah shrugged.

"Hannah! Thats his first word!" I said.

"OMG!! I feel so honored!!" She said almost dropping the grocerys. I laughed.

"Let me help you with those" I said getting up. I went into the kitchen and started to put them away. I turned around and almost tripped on Gabriella. 

"Mama!" She said looking up. I picked her up and held her in my arms. She was starting to grow some brown hair, while Anastacia had blonde hair. I smiled at her. She gave me the biggest grin back.

"Juice!" She yelled. Her only two words she knew, besides dada. I opened the fridge and got her juice. I got her purple bottle and poured the juice in. I gave it to and she immediatly started drinking it. I looked down and saw Anastacia and Noah. I put Gabriella on the ground and poured juice in Noah's blue cup and in Ana's pink one. I gave it to them as they sat on the floor drinking it.

"So.. When is Ashton gonna marry you?" Hannah asked. I laughed.

"Never..." I muttered.

"Why do you want him to?" She asked.

"Well.. Kind of but .. I dont know" I said. I looked around and couldnt find my phone. I groaned as I walked upstairs.

I went too my nightstand where I saw someone had texted Ashton. I picked it up to see who it was from. I almost fainted.

The text read:

Hey bby are you done hanging out with that bitch u got knocked up? I wanna have some fun ;)

I threw his phone on the floor and started crying.

"Elena?" Hannah yelled. She ran upstairs and saw me on the floor in my short shorts and crop top. Crying.

"Baby what happened?" She asked.

"Ash-Ashton is.. Is.. Cheating.. ON ME!!" I coughed. Hannah looked confused.

I pointed towards his phone still crying uncontrollably. She picked it up and read the text.

"This son of a bitch!" She yelled. I saw her go downstairs. I went towards my door to listen.

".. HOW COULD YOU?!?! YOU SELFISH SON A BITCH!! SHE GAVE YOU EVERYTHING!" She yelled. He stared at his phone and shocked. 

"Hannah.. I.. I.."


I saw Ashton run up the stairs. I used all the energy I had left to close the door. I locked it and jumped into my bed. I craddled my pillow and fell asleep in my own tears.

*1 hour later*

I woke up an hour later. I was sweaty and hot. I jumped into the shower and washed myself off.

Once I got out, I got a crop top that said 'Obey' and some plain black shorts.

I went into my closet and grabbed a few boxes. I started to pack EVERYTHING that was Ashtons. 


Once I was finished I opened my door and went downstairs. Ashton was sitting on the couch with Gabriella.

"Here!" I said, throwing the boxes at him. 

"What is this?" He asked.

"Your out! Goodbye Ashton" I said.

"You can't kick me out! Where am I going to live?" He said.

"That is not my problem. Why dont you go with that 'Amanda' chick that texted you?" I said.

"Wow. I didnt know you were like that" he replied. I ran upstairs. I looked down and saw him leave. 

Thats it. 

Ashton is out of my life.


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